The Viral TikTok Dishwasher Hack That's Not Worth Trying At Home

Putting dishwasher pod in
Putting dishwasher pod in - brizmaker/Shutterstock

The instructions on your dishwasher detergent pod box likely say that you can simply place the pod in the designated compartment of your dishwasher. Some social media users, however, had a different idea.

One user, RR, shared a video saying they had been told about an alternative placement by a repairman. They wrote that placing the pod loosely in the dishwasher would lead to "a more effective dishwashing cycle." Other users have shared their own videos, showing off them doing the same, claiming the placement leads to shinier, cleaner dishes. Unfortunately, this "hack" won't make your dishwasher more effective like the video claims. Instead, it may actually be worse for your dishes.

If the dishwashing pod is exposed to the water too early — like during a pre-wash cycle — all that detergent may get washed away before the sanitization step in the process. This means that they dishes are really only getting sprayed with water — not actually cleaned with the detergent. While this won't harm the appliance, detergent that contains chlorine bleach can help kill bacteria and remove stuck-on food, per the USDA. Without that added detergent, your dishes may not be as clean as you'd like them to be. And while it is important to clean your dishwasher, it's best to do that with a separate cycle.

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This Method Could Get Rid Of The Soap Too Early

Dishwasher detergent gel capsule
Dishwasher detergent gel capsule - Sergey Lapin/Shutterstock

After learning more about the way dishwashing pods work, some social media users who previously spoke in favor of the "hack" changed their minds. Renae DuHaime, who said she is an appliance repair tech, posted a TikTok video regarding the trend. They shared that, while they had previously suggested using dishwasher pods outside of the dispenser, they had since changed their mind after visiting Proctor & Gamble's test labs. There, it was explained to her that the pods are designed for use in dishwasher dispensers and can't hold up against the water during pre-wash cycles.

The compartment in the dishwasher that holds the pod in place is designed to keep it there until the dishes are ready to sanitize. Just like you wet your hands before scrubbing them with soap, many dishwashers have a pre-wash cycle to wet the dishes before detergent is added. The detergent is released after this pre-wash to sanitize the dishes and make your silverware squeaky clean before everything is rinsed once more.

There Are Ways To Make The Pods Work Better

Dishwasher detergent powder pod
Dishwasher detergent powder pod - FotoHelin/Shutterstock

TikTok users may have promoted this trend over concerns that the pods weren't working as well as they could be, or that they were getting stuck in the compartment. While a simple solution to this may be just to switch to detergent gel or powder, the pods are an easy, pre-portioned way to speed up the dishwashing process. (If you do decide to make the switch, those leftover dishwasher pods can also work to clean the oven.) Fortunately, in Renae's TikTok video, she also shared that there are a few ways to make your dishwashing pods work a little more effectively.

They shared that moisture may make the pod's exterior sticky, so you should wipe down the inside of the detergent dispenser before placing the pod in. You should also make sure your hands are completely dry before handling them. Additionally, large items — like plates or cutting boards — in front of the dispenser door could block water from getting into the dispenser, and it could force the door to stay shut. This can ultimately prevent the dishes from getting clean.

It may seem a little easier to simply toss a dishwashing pod into the bottom of the appliance. But placing the pod into its proper spot is the best way to ensure your dishes are perfectly sanitized.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.