Viral Lego Sets Make Snowsports Fans' Childhood Dreams Come True

About four months ago, an Instagram user named @legosteeze uploaded a short video depicting professional snowboarder Stale Sandbech throwing a mean tweaked method grab.

The catch?

@legosteeze's video was a shot-for-shot Lego recreation of Sandbech's original clip. I'm not joking -- it's as cool as it sounds. Here's a look.

I know, I know. It's not skiing, and this is POWDER, a publication primarily catering to skiers.

But man, this video from @legosteeze is almost pure childhood wish fulfillment -- all it needs is an appearance from Tom Wallisch or Henrik Harlaut. I never knew I wanted an X-Games Lego set with professional skier mini-figures, but I certainly do now.

While @legosteeze has yet to branch out into skiing, they have gotten into the mountain bike game, recreating a video of pro biker Caleb Holonko.

And @legosteeze does skateboarding, too. Here's Lego Jamie Foy putting down a sweet line.

I had a brief Instagram DM chat with @legosteeze to confirm that he is, indeed, using Blender to make his impressively detailed Lego videos.

For those unaware, Blender is a 3D modeling software used for creating digital animations and stills. In the hands of a skilled user like @legosteeze, the software can create uncanny Lego videos that look like stop-motion but aren't.

For instance, another digital artist -- Preston Mutanga -- leveraged Blender to create Lego versions of Spiderman films. Mutanga's videos, which went viral on YouTube, eventually led to him working on Hollywood films.

Did I mention that Mutanga's only 15?

In short, I'm beyond stoked about all these Lego recreations.

Recently, my partner got me a Lego set as a gift, which made my month. Anyone who tells you that you're "too old" for Lego is a liar. Now I'm just waiting for a @legosteeze version of Tom Wallisch's Superunknown V submission -- no hard feelings if they stick on the snowboarding end, though. That's cool enough as is.

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