Viral Footage of Perfectly-Trained Dogs in California Is Stopping People in Their Tracks

Some of us are fortunate enough to have dogs that are impeccably trained, responding to our every command with precision and never acting without our permission. However, there are others among us whose dogs have not quite mastered the art of obedience, and instead prefer to chase after the mailman and treat the sofa as their own personal trampoline.

That's why the latter of us are so impressed with the TikTok clip posted by @JPK9_. Just watch how perfectly these dogs behave even when surrounded by throngs of strangers in the street. It's so amazing!

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TikTok viewers are super impressed by this, and even more impressed with the Frenchie! French Bulldogs are known to be pretty high energy, and @Kayla comments, "We know it’s real when the Frenchie cooperates." LOL! Agreeing with this, @Ash adds, "I own two Frenchies and these comments confirm to me exactly what I was thinking when I saw this." @Anna says, "Excuse me?? How is the Frenchie doing this?" @Pech says, "This is amazing. Discipline and love works miracles. They are amazing."

One user who has an entirely different take on this is @Veganphoodie, who comments, "Training people to carefully walk through a lane of doggies. Brilliant!"

If you would like more information about JPK9 and their training methods, you can follow their Facebook Page here.

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