Viral dermatologist Dr. Shereene Idriss debunks common skincare myths

In this episode of “New in the Queue,” cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Shereene Idriss debunks common skin care myths. From chemical-free claims to mineral oil, she's clearing up the confusion and breaking down what you need to know to get glowing skin. Shop her favorite products below!

Shop the products:

Dove Sensitive Skin Beauty Bar Soap

L'oreal Revitalift Retinol Serum

Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch Nose

Tower 28 Beauty SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray


Video Transcript

SHEREENE IDRISS: I am Dr. Shereene Idriss, a cosmetic dermatologist based here in New York City, and I'm super excited today to debunk some skincare myths with all of you right here on "New in the Q."


If you are somebody with sensitive skin and you need a soap, look no further than this guy. This is Dove's Sensitive Skin line. It is a fragrance-free soap, hypoallergenic beauty bar. Now, the reason I think this one is great is because it is truly fragrance free. But-- and this is the most important part-- fragrance free is not the same as unscented.

So this is a generic beauty bar soap that comes across as being marketed towards sensitive skin, but it is not fragrance free. As you guys can see over here, it is unscented. So this is like a party of fragrances that is masked with a chemical that masks it's scent, and therefore it's unscented.

When it comes to retinol, I love this guy by L'Oreal. It is a pure retinol at 0.3%. But most people do not understand percentages, and they can be extremely misleading. Because if you look at this product and this product, you're going to think to yourself, whoa, this one is so much stronger because it's 1.5%, whereas this guy's only 0.3%.

But it's wrong, because in reality this is made up of 0.3% pure retinol, plus a retinol optimizer, plus a retinol soother. So 1.2% of this is something other than retinol. So do not be fooled by percentages.

We need a nose strip, so I actually personally really do like these ones by Hero Cosmetics. These are made up of a hydrocolloid material, which is a water-loving material that is going to draw up all of that gunk from your pores. However, these are not to be confused with the classic pore strip, which basically you leave on for like, what, 10 minutes, and then you wax it off your nose, leaving behind open dilated pores that are more likely to fill up again over time and get bigger if you keep doing it over and over and over again.

That's not to say that you should do these all the time, because you may indirectly trick your body into thinking it has no more oil reserve, and so it needs to make even more oil. But if you have a big event coming up and you want to just clear it all out, then I say this one over a classic pore strip.

I love this Tower 28 SOS Daily Facial Spray. I actually apply it several times a day inside my mask to minimize some of that bacterial buildup. And if you have eczema or psoriasis or any sort of inflammatory issue where your skin barrier is disrupted, this can help to really clear your skin.

The biggest misconception that tortures my soul is this idea of chemical free skincare. This product is a cleansing spray, and on it chemical free as a claim. It is made up of sodium hypochlorite and phosphoric acid. So if you've ever taken chemistry, you will know that those are two chemicals.

And finally, the one that everyone likes to hate on-- and I'm talking about the clean beauty brigade-- mineral oil, i.e. Vaseline. Cosmetic grade mineral oil is very different than what you're getting from what you're filling up in your car.

And so for all of those out there with an inflamed skin barrier, who are prone to having dried eczematous patches on your faces, do not be scared to utilize this guy as your number one source to help protect your skin barrier, because it is the best occlusive that we have. Even if you don't have irritations, this guy can be used as the last step of your skincare routine, especially at night, to seal in everything that you've applied.

I mean, my late grandmother, who lived to the ripe old age of 80, would use this every day on her face at night. And she looked like she had the baby's bottom on her face. So I think this guy should be a staple and everybody's skincare closet.