Vintage Chainsaw Motor Powered Skis Looked Like An Accident Waiting To Happen

Here's a new, confounding sentence for you to mull over: "Chainsaw motor-powered skis."

Want to learn more? Look no further. Here's a video from Warren Miller Entertainment of the aforementioned bizarre contraption.

I love delving into the past and finding weird inventions that didn't catch on. These chainsaw skis, as cool as they were, probably weren't going to find a broader market.

Still, I'd love to give them a try; they look like a properly good time. At least for an afternoon of screwing around or two.

The only problem I foresee is the whole chainsaw motor thing. Admittedly, I'm no chainsaw expert, but something tells me they're unreliable when used as a tread motor. It'd be a shame to be cruising along only to have the back half of your ski explode.

My final and perhaps favorite thought stemmed from the revelation that the chainsaw motor skis inventor pitched the idea to the U.S. Army. The narrator states that this pitch was doomed because the U.S. Army didn't like the idea of a platoon trying to sneak up on the enemy with noisy chainsaw skis strapped to their feet.

But boy, am I fond of that idea. Sure, it's impractical and would probably endanger the lives of everyone involved. Yet, imagining a crew of serious-looking soldiers gliding along with noisy motorized skis is so silly that'd I'd love to see it become a reality.

Maybe they'll show up in the next James Bond movie if I'm lucky.

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