Vincent Tupin Announces the End of Bike Park Partnership With New Edit

Vincent Tupin, generally known by his nickname Vinny T, is a French freerider known for his unique combination of speed and style. Tupin has made a name for himself by bringing creativity to the trail while riding at breakneck speeds.

On April 25th, Vinny T announced that his partnership with the Champery-Morgins Bike Park had come to an end. Tupin's partnership with the park ended with a bang in the form of a wild edit from the park. Watch Tupin shred below.

In this video, Vinny T rode the bike park on the absolute edge, pulling for huge doubles and railing turns.

Champery-Morgins is one of the most popular bike parks in the Alps. Located in Switzerland on the French border, the park has a wide variety of trails and a storied history.

Perhaps the most famous moment in downhill racing happened at Champery when Brit Danny Hart won the 2011 World Championships by 11 seconds in a downpour. Watch the iconic video of his run below.

The farewell edit features Tupin’s signature style. Vinny T’s riding has earned him quite a following on social media channels. Additionally, he has entered into a niche in the bike world as a stylish freerider with the speed of a racer.

Vinny has also gained renown for tacking trails in any condition, including when they are blanketed by snow.

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This skill set has gotten Tupin invited to both the freeride competition Red Bull Rampage and the popular race Red Bull Hardline. Tupin has made it into the top 10 at Rampage, while his best result was just out of the top 10 at Hardline where he was 11th in 2022.

The multi-talented Tupin hinted in the farewell video’s caption that he had an announcement forthcoming. Perhaps Vincent Tupin will be sponsored by another bike park before we know it.

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