Vince Power on the return of live music: 'The only way forward is to test 30 minutes before a show'

A power player: Vince Power
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In the live music sector, the news has been dominated by desperate rescue packages designed to save small venues from extinction. Stories of fresh investment in that industry, which has been blossoming over the last 20 years right up until Covid hit, have been few indeed in 2020.

In early July, however, it was reported that Vince Power, perhaps the biggest player in London’s live scene in the Nineties and Noughties, had bought the lease on Dingwalls, a fabled 500-capacity club in the heart of Camden’s market district.

“The whole place was in a terrible state,” says Power, speaking from his native County Waterford during lockdown. “It had been neglected for tens of years, and we’ve had to do a lot of work to it over the summer.” Still there is an air of folly about the venture at this precarious juncture. As Power advised one interviewer upon moving in, “I favour music in front of common sense.”

Power says he always had a soft spot for Dingwalls. “It was probably one of the first places I went to when I came to London. I remember seeing BB King there, and a lot of the blues players who were around in the early Seventies.” A low-ceilinged sweatbox ticked by countless young bands on the rise, Dingwalls’ legend includes an early residency for Ian Dury with his initial pub-rock band, Kilburn & The High Roads, as well as historic first UK appearances for REM and The White Stripes. Its 2am license made it a regular haunt for late-shift rockers like Motorhead’s Lemmy Kilminster, but after an Eighties refit its booking policy leaned increasingly towards stand-up comedy and hen parties.

Power, too, is a figure of some renown – indeed, notoriety. After establishing a network of used furniture stores across North London in the Seventies, he opened the Mean Fiddler in gritty Harlesden in 1982 as a bastion of country music, within a few years enticing both Roy Orbison (“my all-time hero”) and Johnny Cash to play there.

After taking control of Reading Festival in 1989 and overhauling its booking policy to reflect the emerging alt-rock culture which spawned Nirvana (who performed a game-changing mid-afternoon set in 1991), Power’s Mean Fiddler empire expanded rapidly to include 27 venues and seven festivals. In the process, he acquired a reputation as a power player nonpareil, a dominator who’d shout at you until you buckled.

He helped Michael Eavis retain his license to stage Glastonbury by overhauling its entrance security, but their four-year partnership was famously fractious. When Power starts to explain, in his soft Irish brogue, how his first manoeuvre in the new Camden setting – applying for a slice of the Culture Recovery Fund, the government’s emergency subsidy for struggling venues, which was announced on 25 July – ended without success, I almost expect him to fly into rage, and list the heads that rolled as a result. Instead, he quietly shrugs. “A financial guy in my office sent in the application, but unfortunately it didn’t get to them for some reason, so we didn’t get the grant.”

More characteristic, perhaps, is Power’s shrewdness in snapping up the lease for this iconic venue from its landlords, the Camden Market Trust, at a time when competition was virtually non-existent. “Camden Market is huge at the moment,” he enthuses, with entrepreneurial zeal. “Before the pandemic, it was the second busiest tourist attraction in the UK, after Buckingham Palace. They used to have 300,000 people per weekend there, but now of course everybody is suffering, all the shops – nobody is doing well. But it can't last forever, can it?”

The Dingwalls complex includes the core venue, which Power has renamed the PowerHaus (a brand name he’s used before at sites in Islington and Finsbury Park), as well as three adjoining bars, which he duly opened when the first lockdown lifted on 4 July. “There’s a roof terrace,” he says, “which was ideal for social separation, and because it’s outdoors people were attracted to it. It was all doing well until the 10pm curfew came along [in September], which really killed it. Then the final blow was lockdown a couple of weeks ago.”

As for many businesses, that second closure, however inevitable, has been a source of frustration. “We actually got the lease in May, and we'd been working on the venue itself for four or five months. It's a brilliant venue now, nice and fresh and clean, with a new sound system, and we did actually open up two or three weeks ago, with a couple of DJs, just to get rid of the builders really. But now it’s empty again.”

As yet unpublicized, Power has also converted one bar into a smaller live room. “I'm calling it the Jazz Box,” he reveals, “and that’s ready to go as well. I'm going to get some jazz in there with younger musicians, like a place you can just walk into from the main venue, or from the market on weekends, and you'll see some good younger artists – to give them a chance. There’s always room for good music, I think.” Power may have been a fearsome businessman in his younger days, but at heart he was always a music man, who often refused to deal even with artist management, preferring to talk directly with the artists themselves – a stark contrast with today’s live scene, which is controlled by huge corporations who tend to focus on numbers rather than people.

In two disastrous years, from 2010-12, Power lost everything, when his Vince Power Music Group went into liquidation, costing him £9 million, while shares in his £10 million festival concern plummeted, leaving him all but penniless, living on a canal boat. Thereafter, he has said, he had some kind of “awakening”, contacting many people he’d fallen out with over the years to make peace. Without too much fanfare, he soon returned to the fray, opening Nell’s in West Kensington, the Subterania off Portobello Road (a property he reacquired after first making it over in 1988) and the two-room Fiddler in Kilburn.

“For me,” confesses Power, now 73, “it's a bit like a religion. I can't leave it! I've got six bookers, and various social media people working with me, and I'm trying to keep them on in the current situation. Hopefully we'll get the furlough for them. If we get out of lockdown without Tier 3, then we should be fine. We don't want to make a fortune out of it. We just want to be able to pay the bills, and do it.”

Governed by that impulse, Power put on a couple of socially-distanced shows at Camden’s Electric Ballroom in early September for a long-standing associate and fellow countryman, Van Morrison. For anybody who’s attended a distanced event in these strange times, the experience has often been a mixed blessing. At one I went to at the same venue a couple of weeks later, the tape playing between the bands rolled into Green Onions by Booker T & The MG’s. The lights were down, and this beloved record had rarely sounded so vibrant after months of enforced nights in. Without thinking, I pushed back my barstool, closed my eyes and had a very conservative ‘dad shuffle’ – but my joy was short-lived, as a security official literally jabbed me in the chest with a clipboard and told me to sit down. In short, a weird night.

End the lockdown! Van Morrison - PA
End the lockdown! Van Morrison - PA

But how was it for Power and Morrison – promoter and artist respectively – getting back into action? “It was a great feeling, to be honest, just to be doing something, to be back in. The social distancing worked well there because there were 300 people for each show, and it's a 1500-capacity room, so there was plenty of space. It was definitely worthwhile, we loved doing it, even though it wasn't really financially viable. Everybody chipped in. The Electric Ballroom were very keen to do it, and very generous with their venue. Nobody made much money – not even Van, because he still brings the same production crew as he would if he was playing Las Vegas.”

Power and Morrison have considerable previous, as the singer has played the opening night at most of Power’s ventures over the years, from the Fleadh Festival in Finsbury park, right through to the less heralded Luton nitespot, Caesar’s Palace. Morrison has lately made headlines for his outspoken views on Coronavirus lockdowns, in one new song’s lyrics castigating the government as “fascist bullies, disturbing our peace”. Have the two friends discussed these issues? Does Power share Van’s views?

“I didn't get into that with him, but I think he was just very frustrated, and very anxious about everything. It's not like him to get anywhere near anything political, but I can understand people like him, the older artists, because all they want to do is get out and play. I think he felt seriously misrepresented. He wasn't saying that there is no such thing as a virus, he was just saying that the people [in charge] are manipulating it.” It should come as little surprise that Power has lined up Morrison for two PowerHaus shows right after the planned lifting of lockdown, on 11 and 12 December, but he says that, conditional on Thursday's tier announcements, they'll go ahead with social distancing and 150-200 people each night.

Other high-profile figures in his line of business have been more vocal in applying pressure on the government to consider their needs – asking for a roadmap for venues to get back to full-capacity shows, and a government-backed insurance scheme to support the risky, part-capacity bookings along that road. Does he not see the point in engaging on that level? “I just keep going, me,” Power reflects. “I've been lucky to have done most of the things I wanted to do in life, and got away with it. So, I'm just resigned to this fact now. It's out of my control, there's nothing I can do. It is what it is, and when it does unlock, I'm ready to go. You just have to stay positive, I suppose.”

The Vamps perform at Dingwalls in 2018 - Redferns
The Vamps perform at Dingwalls in 2018 - Redferns

It’s worth noting, though, that shares in the vast corporate promotions company Live Nation leapt by 22 per cent after the first announcement of Pfizer vaccine. Within a couple of days thereafter, the worldwide ticketing agency Ticketmaster had proposed a scheme, whereby gig-goers would present documentation for any vaccine administered and-or negative Covid test to be administered by a third-party company, who would then give a green light to Ticketmaster to issue tickets.

“I think the problem with that,” says Power, “is that you can have the test today and be fine, but tomorrow you go to the gig and you could have picked up the virus in the meantime. The only way to do it – if they really are talking about instant testing, or at least it taking maybe 15 minutes – is to go in and take the test half an hour before the show. But it's a bloody long procedure for everyone, so maybe it wouldn't work.”

Against the grain of most reactions to Covid’s impact on the live sector, and indeed of his own public image, Power concludes with a benign, near-beatifically calm outlook. He welcomes the fact that Coronavirus has taught “governments and people in general that grass roots venues are important, because it’s where everything starts. “There's no point in getting anxious about the whole thing,” he summarises.

“There’s opportunity in everything, and there’s lots out there at the moment. You've just got to take a chance sometimes. Dingwalls had reached its natural end, in the sense of it being a nice place to play. It had suffered neglect for many years, and it just happened that I was around in the right place at the right time, and there was nobody interested. I'm sure lots of big players would’ve been interested in other circumstances, if there wasn't the virus. So, in a way, I might thank it for being around in the long run!” And there aren’t many 73-year-olds saying that right now.