Video: Surfers Collide in Chaotic Bali Lineup, One Takes Board to the Face

From a surfing perspective, and a general travel standpoint, Bali’s blown out.

And we’re not talking about wind on the waves in the afternoon. We’re talking about hordes of travelers, and expats calling the Indonesian island nation home, flooding into Bali, crowding its most coveted surf spots, and turning it into a certified zoo.

But alas, it’s still paradise, right? That is…until you take someone else’s surfboard to the dome, like this poor soul below.

The clip comes from the prolific and ever-entertaining YouTube channel, Surfers of Bali; they captioned the video as such:

“With a lineup full of beginners there’s always going to be some mishaps at a break like Batu Bolong. Luckily for the guy at the start of this clip, he didn’t fully connect with the nose of that board- it could have been a whole lot worse.”

In the opening scene, three surfers take off one wave. They’re all pretty clearly beginners. One falls straight away before getting to their feet. The other two, however, apparently didn’t vocalize which way they were attempting to go. The result? Collision.

One goes right, one sorta goes left, then bam, impact – longboard to the face.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen a collision like this. Just recently, there was the clip from Kook of the Day, which showed something very similar. Two longboarders take off on the same wave, one takes a board to the face. There’s only so much space on one wave.

As for the most recent fender-bender to the dome, comments on the clip included:

“What a way to smack the lip…”

“She's just practicing her uppercut knockout.”

It’s dangerous out there these days, folks; stay safe.


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