Video: Surfer Suffers Horrific Wipeout at 30-Foot Mavericks

Mavs (and other big-wave surfing hotspots) are open for business.

With opening-season swells at both Mavericks and Jaws, the big-wave season is in full-effect; and folks are absolutely sending it, shaking off the summer cobwebs.

But it’s not all glory; there’s wipeouts, too.

And Los Angeles-based surf videographer, Brad Jacobson, breaks down and especially brutal wipeout from Mavericks in the video above.

Here’s the commentary:

“There is so much craziness going on in this one wave right here.

“There’s a board right here, yellow with like a black pad on it. You see the guy going under right there. He’s ditching the board, and he doesn’t think he’s gonna make it up the face in time, because this thing is going to drag him and his board over.

“So, as I slowly go up, you see he’s releasing that board. Now, he’s still got a leg leash on it. As it goes up, you see it climb over the top of it all on its own.

“But now look over here; this guy is trying to standup and get more of a dive off his board.

“Back to the guy who’s trying to get his board over. It casually makes its way over this huge, enormous wave. So, he made it over, but you can’t say the same for this next guy.

“This gentleman right here; he’s halfway up the lip of the wave and realizing he needs to duckdive to get through the lip. He didn’t want to ditch his board in front of Sage [Burke], which was a very smart idea. Now the wave is peaking and he’s realizing he’s not going to make it through.

“He’s trying to punch through the wave. But it didn’t do it. It flips over, and he’s in a horrible spot. Now he is freefalling down this wave. A 30-foot drop backwards.

“This poor guy; this must’ve been a horrific hold-down.”

Stay tuned for more big-wave season shenanigans to come.


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