Video: Pusher Bearings "STAMINA"

The Pusher Bearings team is big, international, and full of talent. Always good to see Carlos Iqui footage, as he kicks it off, and the ripping doesn't stop for a full 16-minute ride through skate spots in Europe, Brazil, and beyond. Get into this one.

"Filmed and edited by Aurélien MIGAUD Carlos IQUI - Loris BACCILLERI - Valentin GRAINDORGE - Patrick ZENTGRAFF -Jp GOMEZ - Leo TAKAYAMA - Guido ZANOTTO - Gauthier ROUGER - Talles SILVA Luca GOZZO - Benjamin WINTHER - Etienne TURNBULL - Antony LOPEZ Kilian ZEHNDER - Nick DIAS"

Previously from Pusher:

Related: Pusher Bearings | Boa Lisboa

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