This Video of Pete Davidson Watching Ariana Grande Is Either Very Adorable or Very Awkward

Photo credit: Instagram @ArianaGrande
Photo credit: Instagram @ArianaGrande

From Cosmopolitan

Ariana Grande released her song "God is a Woman" on Friday, and her fiancé Pete Davidson is obsessed with it. To make sure you know just how obsessed with it he is, Ariana posted this video a day ago in which Pete is watching the music video shoot *very* intently.

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She wrote in the caption that she could "finally" share this clip now that the song is out. Pete commented on the video to explain his facial expression, and said that he was "mesmerized," and just "couldn't even like believe what i was seeing." He couldn't even like believe it, guys.

Photo credit: Instagram @ArianaGrande
Photo credit: Instagram @ArianaGrande

But, tbh, his facial expression seems a little bit more "confused" than "mesmerized," right? It kind of looks like he's thinking "Wait, what the actual f*ck is happening right now?"

This makes sense, considering the video itself is pretty out there, and it's not totally clear which part of the video shoot he's watching. I mean, at one point she's covered in body paint and literally just like rolling around.

Photo credit: YouTube
Photo credit: YouTube

There are even these weird little creatures in one part. What are these?Gophers? Groundhogs? Idk.

Photo credit: YouTube
Photo credit: YouTube

Don't forget that Pete is as literal comedian, so there's no way he could be taking this seriously, right? So yeah, no one could blame him for being a little "wtf" about things. Or, it's possible they're really that in love and this is purely a look of admiration, in which case, that's cute.

Watch the video and decide for yourself what you think his actual reaction is.

Follow Emma on Instagram.

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