Video of Pet Monkey Grooming Her Dad Is Breaking the Internet

When most of us think of pets we'd like to have, it's usually a specific breed of dog or cat, or maybe something a bit more unique like a parrot or mini cow. But what about an exotic a pet monkey. TikToker Ali Farkouh has one, and he shares their interactions for all of us to see. This video that he shared on the last day of 2023 shows his little one grooming him, and it's actually pretty cute!

The video starts with Ali laying on the couch, and his little monkey is sitting on his chest. She's carefully grooming his face and hair, checking what she pulls off of him. He's trying to sleep and sounds like he might be a bit annoyed be the primping. But the little monkey takes her job seriously - it's how she shows him how much she loves him!

Y'all @Ali's short and sweet video went crazy viral, and quickly blew up on TikTok. It's been viewed more than 43 million times, has more than 2 million likes, and over 16 thousand comments. People loved it! Is it because it's not every day you see a monkey grooming a human? Maybe. Is it because most people don't have pet monkeys and it's interesting to see? Probably. Commenters were all over the place with how they felt about it. A lot of people swooned over the cuteness while others pointed out that monkeys should not be pets. @Reinier asked, "Why is no one asking where that baby monkey's mother is? Was the baby taken from her, or was she murdered for this baby monkey trade?" and @Jo T added, "These wee monkeys are not pets. It should not be wearing nappies and should be in its own habitat SHAMEFUL", but immediately after that @pineapple wondered, "Where can I get one ??"

Related: Pet Monkey's Reaction to Smelling a Bag of 'McDonald's' Fries in the Car Is All of Us

Exotic Pets: Yay or Nay

There were definitely some big feelings over this video. The real question is, should wild animals be legal to own? It depends on who you ask. Those who think they should be legal have many reasons, or pros, for keeping them like they're just pets. Or they're not any more difficult to care for than other animals. But I consider the cons and think they outweigh the pros.

Sure, these kinds of animals make cool pets, but I think about the cost - both to your pocketbook and to the animal. Usually, these animals have very specific diets and need specific vitamins and minerals. They need a lot of room to roam. You don't know how they'll react to certain situations. Not to mention vet expenses...if you have a pet toucan, good luck on finding a vet who will know how to treat it if it gets sick!

In the end, I think this is one of those arguments where there's never a clear answer. It's a black and white topic, and even where these animals are illegal to have, people always find a way to get them anyways. Many of these animals end up being put up for adoption or having to be rehomed because their owners didn't do thorough research. If you are considering purchasing a wild animal, make sure to do your own research and even talk to others who have the animal as a pet already. They may change your mind or help you understand the day-to-day care and time required to have an exotic pet.

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