Video Perspective of Cat's Parkour Is Totally Awesome

This makes us want to be a cat.

Cats can climb just about anywhere their little hearts desire. We didn’t quite understand at first why they loved leaving home when they could be getting all the attention from us. But thanks to this clip from TikTok user, we now see why they’re always out adventuring.

This video, which has over 13 million views, shows a quick glimpse into a cat’s day outside through the eyes of a cat. We’ve never seen parkour like this before! And to say we’re obsessed would be the understatement of the year. Check it out!

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O.M.G. This is absolutely everything! We know cats can climb trees and jump to great heights, but this puts it in a whole new perspective. It makes us want to be a cat. LOL!

“I love these glimpses into cat life,” wrote @cindy2lou2. SAME! We had no idea there were secret cat meetings on the roof. We want to be invited next time. LOL! Maybe it wasn’t a meeting, but rather two cats just doing the job. As @chopschapa said, “Certified roof inspector.” Ha! They’re just making sure everyone’s roof is leakproof for the upcoming April showers.

Another TikTok user, @prettylitter, commented, “The tree climbing POV I didn’t know I needed.” Right?! And now that we know this point of view exists, we’re going to be needing more immediately. @sheri.modisette added, “It makes my heart so happy to see the day in the life of Mr. Kitters and all his adventures.” We need his adventures made into a movie!

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