(Video) Paul Rodriguez Demonstrates How To Do A Proper Noseslide: Great Trick Tip

You couldn't ask for a better teacher than Paul Rodriguez to learn how to noseslide. We should all be so lucky!

P-Rod has been kind enough to share some of his tricks of the trade on his YouTube channel, and securing a proper backside noseslide in your bag of tricks is a great place to start.

If you have the noseslide mastered, it still doesn't hurt to learn some of Paul's secrets. Even the best get better, so use it as an opportunity to fine tune your craft or build some confidence to take your noseslides to new, challenging obstacles.

Trick tips are nothing new, but when P-Rod speaks, our ears are open. So listen up, study up and let this living skateboarding legend guide the way.

In celebration of Go Skateboarding Day, we salute pros like P-Rod and the thousands of others who have not only paved the way for newer generations, but continue to inspire us all on and off the board.

Whether you're new to skating or a straight up OG, we can all appreciate the value of learning new tricks, that unexplainable rewarding feeling that comes with it, and that constant drive to keep charging and progressing.

Catch a noseslide for Paul today!

Video / Paul Rodriguez

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