Video of Parrot 'Hatching an Escape Plan' with the Cat Is a Total Treasure

Living in a multi-pet household can be so much fun to say the least, but it can also be chaotic AF. After all, more pets means more meals, more cleaning, and lots more attention given! When the pets have personalities bigger than they are, though, things get even more crazy.

Sara Rousan is a self-proclaimed "mother to a psycho cat and a sassy parrot" who knows firsthand just how wild pets can be. Luckily, her bird and cat get along! That doesn't mean there's no shenanigans between the two of them, though...

She didn't know what to think when she caught her pets conspiring in their room on October 27.  They seriously looked like they were plotting an escape plan, and I'll never be convinced otherwise. Hopefully, @sarahrousan had a close eye on her sneaky animals!

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LMAO! This parrot and tabby cat are too funny, and I completely understand why Sarah had to catch this moment on film. It's like a moment straight from a cartoon--except in real life!

So many commenters like @keykaaaa are joking that the movie "The Secret Life of Pets, is real," and it's easy to see why! It looks like the two animals are having some kind of conversation that we humans can't understand. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah later caught these two repelling down the side of the house!

Despite what years of cartoon relationships have led us to believe about cats and birds, these two are proof that different species can get along. The beautiful green bird walks so carefully around their feline friend, and the cat is showing so much restraint, too! The tuxedo cat could pounce, or the bird could fly away, but everyone is behaving so suspiciously well! Surely, some secret plan must be afoot.

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