Video: Man Builds DIY Rope Swing on Venice Beach Pier Amidst Surfers

As far as coastal California neighborhoods go, Venice Beach is one of the weirdest.

Strolling the famed boardwalk, it’s a daily hodgepodge of speedo-clad bodybuilders holding pythons on their shoulders for photos, aspiring rappers hocking mixtapes, folks smoking and selling weed, and the iconic rollerblading, turban-wearing guitarist.

There’s surfing in Venice, too, from the breakwater down to the pier. It’s nothing great; nothing in Los Angeles really is, at least consistently. But plenty of people still surf it regularly. And this next guy decided to do something a little different, perhaps bring a little excitement to the otherwise humdrum waves of the Venice Beach Pier.

The video comes from Shacked Mag, self-dubbed “the Los Angeles surf mag.”

Captioning it, they wrote:

“A man make a swing off the Venice Beach Pier using his bicycle wheel, some rope, and a piece of old wood.”

And yep, that pretty much sums it up. The guy has a wooden plank somehow affixed to the top of the pier, a couple ropes dangling from it, and a bicycle wheel at the bottom, in which he sits on, spins in circles, does some pseudo yoga poses, splashes amongst the whitewater, and has a grand ol’ time – all while surfers are cruising by.

No word on who this man is, or what exactly he’s doing. But he’s really doing it. He’s even got gloves and everything to better grip the rope. Perhaps a new workout routine?

As for the surfers, they didn’t seem bothered. It wasn’t like a fisherman hooking a surfer, as we’ve seen a couple times down in Huntington Beach.

No harm, no foul; just another day in Venice.


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