Video: Jamie Mateu Fearlessly Charges Through The Daunting Walls Of San Diego's Washington St.

No stranger to charging full speed and blowing minds in the process, Jamie Mateu barged San Diego's famed Washington St. skatepark while visiting America's finest city and certainly left his mark.

Don't get it twisted—this place is no joke and although Jamie is making it look easy, and even sort of fun, it's nothing short of amazing what he's doing in this video. Unreal!

Admittedly, the song brings a ton of added energy to the clip, but that's neither here nor there. There could be a gentle stream flowing in the background with birds chirping peacefully and you'd still have the hair on your arms rise with excitement watching it all go down.

If you've ever skated or visited Washington St. you know first-hand how insane that last trick is as well. To the untrained eye, you might think, What? But it's literally insane. This dude is fearless and that little wave at the very end of the clip leads me to believe this was basically no big deal to him—just a dude having a little fun under the bridge before destroying whatever is next up on the list. Fair enough!

We love to see it.

Video / @jamiemateu

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