Video: Great White Shark Cruises Lineup with Surfers at Pismo Beach

Another day in Southern California, another great white shark near surfers.

This time? It’s a bit north, in Pismo Beach, than the ones we’ve seen more recently – like the great white shark playing a game of “chicken” in SoCal at an undisclosed beach.

However, this one is very similar to the others, nonetheless; a (likely juvenile) great white, filmed via drone, just cruising the lineup, near some surfers.

<p>Photo: The Sacramento Bee/Nevada Summers</p>

Photo: The Sacramento Bee/Nevada Summers

See a screenshot above; watch the full video here.

Coco Fernandez was one of the surfers featured in the video.

“We were like, ‘Wow!’” Fernandez told The Sacramento Bee. “That’s amazing that somebody filmed that in that moment, you know? Being in the right place at the right time.”

Fernandez continued:

“I’ve seen quite a few sharks through my life. But this was the first time that somebody filmed it like that. So it was pretty cool.”

“It was a very spiritual experience. I love the ocean ... and sharks are a big part of it. We’ve got to kind of learn how to live with them in harmony.”

Filming the clip, drone operator Nevada Summers said:

“I’ve always been interested in sharks. They are very interesting creatures that most people find terrifying.”

But Nevada added:

“(It) makes it a lot easier to be in the water knowing they are always there. The ocean is their home.”

As we’ve reported recently, a study from Cal State Long Beach’s Shark Lab showed that great white sharks were near surfers 97% of the time. And once again, the footage continues to churn out, confirming these findings.

So, the question is, would you rather know, or live in ignorant bliss?


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