Video Explaining Different Dog Breeds and Their Original Purpose Is Eye-opening

We only see and know dogs as loveable, cuddly creatures who want nothing more than treats. But that’s not how they’ve always been. In fact, certain dog breeds were used for specific roles.

The American Kennel Club recently shared an eye-opening video explaining specific dog breeds' original purpose. Some of them we had no idea about. Did you know all of these? Take a look at this clip from TikTok user @americankennelclub.

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And this is one of the reasons why we love TikTok so much - we learn something new every day! We knew dogs were originally bred to be hunters, but seeing the specific reasons is so cool.

"My dog was made to eat cheese," wrote @rogerisawkward. Same with our dog! They have it so easy these days because we spoil them with kisses, treats, and toys. @angrygoosequeen added, "My Maltese reminds me daily that he was bred to be royalty." HA! Well, some things never change.

The explanation of dog breeds and their original purpose can explain why some dogs act a certain way now. That's why it's important to research different dog breeds before bringing one home and ask yourself the following: what is my energy level, are there kids in the house, do you have allergies, what is your experience with dogs, and what is the dog expected to do? Doing your research will help ensure you find your perfect fur baby.

We know you're curious about other breeds because we are too and as it turns out, we're in luck. The American Kennel Club released part two of this video. Take a look!

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Wow! We need this to be an entire series!

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