Video of Dog Chiropractor at Work Has Us So Amazed

That dog didn't know what to think at first!

If you've ever experienced a chiropractic adjustment, you know how mind-boggling it can be. The adjustments, or 'cracks,' can range from a small sensation to a whole-body shift, and it all happens in under a single second. Now imagine being a chiropractor for animals!

@Boneshands2 is an animal osteopath and chiropractor, which can be a delicate job to say the least, but he's going viral on nearly every video he posts. One clip, in particular, has viewers shocked and impressed. 

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We weren't even receiving the adjustment and we were just as stunned as this gorgeous Rottweiler was. That was a serious crack! Clearly, the pup felt just fine after the neck adjustment, but viewers are still processing what they just watched.

"Even the dog was like 'wait a minute what did you just do to me,'" wrote commenter @hemoves2. It was the best reaction! Honestly, though, that's probably what most people look like after experiencing their first adjustment--so we can relate! 

@Aimane043 said, "bro was rebooting," in the first moments after his adjustment. He totally was! We think anyone would need a moment after that, though "the eyes of betrayal and then the smile of approval" say it all. @Sischancey couldn't have said it better! 

Then there's @hafsj, who joked that the "doggo saw in color for 2 seconds lmao." If only! His wide eyes were certainly a sight to see, though. There's no doubt what this dog was thinking!  

If you find this pup's reaction entertaining, you'll want to watch more of @boneshands2's videos. He's one talented chiropractor! We can only imagine how much schooling it took to get to where he is today. Even a tiny adjustment is no small task when someone is trusting you with their fur baby's health! 

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