Video of Cat Being a Total 'Nosy Neighbor' Makes Us LOL

Maybe he wants to borrow a cup of catnip?

You know what they always say, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your neighbors. Okay, maybe they don't actually say that but it's true. And there have been many annoying neighbors throughout pop culture history: Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched, Newman from Seinfeld, even Ned Flanders from The Simpsons has his moments. 

We aren't sure why this neighborly cat posted by TikTok user @Talesfrom therobynsnest is so nosy. Maybe they work for the homeowners association? Watch this video and see if this funny cat reminds you of any of your neighbors. 

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He obviously has an issue with your fence being too high! Or something! @LoudD posts, "Don't you think that's a little too much wine Barbara?" LOL! Judge-y cat is judge-y! @Mssunflower80 adds, "He knows a thing or two because he's seen a thing or two." Going along with the annoying TV neighbor trope, @Shazta comments, "Wilson from Home Improvement." 

Listen, this is a very cute neighbor and this homeowner needs to look at the upside, this neighbor will NEVER ask to borrow her lawnmower. 

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