Video: Best Surfed Waves at The Wedge of 2023

The Wedge, in Newport Beach, CA, is a special kind of surf spot.

One might even be hard-pressed to call it it a “surf spot.” Nonetheless, shoo shoo, it is surfed, humans dance gracefully with mother nature in treachery. Surfers, bodyboarders, bodysurfers, unsuspecting tourists who too close to the shoreline...

However, it’s not all fun the Wedge, like we saw recently with the best (or worst?) wipeouts of 2023. There’s also successful waves ridden, like this compilation below.

It comes from the Wedge Awards (which apparently are a thing), and it’s captioned as such:

“Who had the most memorable wave ridden on a board in the last year at the Wedge? Here are five nominees with five different approaches, each worthy contenders for the title. Who gets your vote? @maxbeach82 by @coryscamera, @sage_burke by @jamesferrell_, @tanner_mcdaniel28 by @whereisharald, @bobbyokvist by @dingosaidso, @tylerstanaland by @skimjunky.”

Of course, included in there is Sage Burke’s cruise-y takeoff, then front flipping dismount. This one made the rounds a couple times, including here.

Regarding which one is the “best”? Surfing is subjective, as everyone is well aware, so who knows? Sage`s could still take it; we’ll see. Stay tuned.

The Wedge Stats/Info

Wave Type: Lefthand tube/shorebreak

Season: Spring – Fall

Skill Level: Experts only

Best Board to Ride: Shortboard, soft-top, skimboard, bodyboard, no board (bodysurf)

Ideal Swell Direction: SW, SSW, S, SSE


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