This Vibrator Is the Antidote to My Short Attention Span (& It Looks Pretty on My Bedside Table)

  • Functionality: 19/20

  • Value: 18/20

  • Quality: 20/20

  • Aesthetics: 20/20

  • Ease of Use: 20/20

  • TOTAL: 97/100

Like scores of you reading this (I’m assuming), I have a hard time staying present. Between buzzing, scrolling, meme-ing and daydreaming, I find myself distracted daily with a vague hunger for something more. Will it be the perfect complement to permanently quell my insecurities? Or perhaps that *one* magical job offer? Some days a simple ‘like’ on a selfie from that perfect person can really just hit the spot for me.

In an earnest attempt to alleviate the disintegration of my attention span, I’ve decided to set an alarm (ironic) to remind myself to breathe and focus on the present moment for about five minutes each day. If my regularly scheduled zone-outs have taught me anything, it’s that the simple pleasures in life are always worth focusing on. Some greatest hits we all know and love are laughing, lighting incense and nature walks. While these are all fab, I recently stumbled upon a special someone that has brought more joy to my grounding practice than I ever thought possible: The Eva by Dame. (Yes, Eva is a vibrator.)

Eva is a small insertable vibrator that stays out of the way during penetrative sex so that you can focus on the moment. Its flexible wings tuck under your labia and rest on your clitoris area, making it virtually hands-free. I found this to be incredibly relaxing. It was like sending my orgasm off to a wash-and-fold. While the timing wasn’t totally in my control, I knew it was going to be delivered better than I could ever do it myself.

I wasn’t sure if or how Eva would actually fit into my vulva and stay there, but I gotta say, unless you’re switching positions, it totally does. In the event that you’re moving around a bit, you or a partner can simply use one finger to hold it in place. It comes with three speeds and just one pulsation style, which might not be your thing if you’re seeking more variety. I personally found the simplicity of it to be perfect considering that I was also having penetrative sex. I mean, that’s already a lot going on in my opinion.

Its waterproof, medical grade silicone feels amazing to the touch and it comes in two beautiful colors (a light pink and a bold green). It charges in an absolutely gorgeous little case that looks cute on the dresser. Truly, it makes me feel like I met a new partner who brings more ease and peace into my sexual life. Kind of like a hot yoga teacher minus the man bun. I’m in love with Eva!

Buy it ($135)

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