Veterinarian Shows How to Make DIY Pet First Aid Kit Using Dollar Tree Finds

Do you have a first aid kit for your pet? I never even thought about putting one together, or what to put in it. Luckily for all of us, veterinarian Adam Christman shared a video on Sunday, February 18th about how easily you can put one together...using things that you can find at Dollar Tree!

Dr. Christman starts with the basics that you'll need: a container to put everything in as well as plastic baggies to put each item in, medical records, and anything else that can get wet in severe weather. He then goes on to list the other things that you'll need for your kit, and you can get it all for just fifteen bucks!

@Dr. Christman's list is thorough, and you'll have everything that you'll need in case of a first aid emergency! From tweezers for ticks to an extra collar and leash just in case, you can get it all at Dollar Tree. Commenters appreciated the advice and for how inexpensive it is to put together. @Donna suggested, "Plus probably could’ve bought a bottle of water for that first aid kit." which I thought was a great addition to the kit. Another person suggested a kit for your home and your car, which is great if your pet goes out and about with you a lot.

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First Aid for Pets

Is there anything else that you'd add to a pet's first aid kit? Another suggestion would be Benadryl in case of an allergic reaction. Antibiotic ointment and super glue would be good additions, as well. Gloves and Q-tips could come in handy, as would some scissors. Something to calm your pup would be worth considering, and if your dog is in a lot of pain, they may accidentally bite or nip at you as you try to help them, so you might want to consider a muzzle as well.

Other things that you might not think about but that would be great to have on hand: your vet's contact information as well as a copy of any medical records. Do you know pet CPR? If not, maybe an information card would be a helpful addition, too. In fact, a card full of general first aid treatments could be helpful!

Now that you know all that you need for your pet's first aid kit, put it together sooner rather than later! If DIYing isn't your thing, there are many different pet first aid kits online that have everything that you'll need (but may cost more.) However you choose to get one, do it now; it could be the difference between life and death for your fur baby.

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