Veterinarian Lists the Main Reasons Why Dogs Whine

They're trying to communicate!

TikTok user @dr.adamchristman52, a veterinarian, posts videos on his account that give pet owners tips, tricks and even explanations. We can’t get enough of these clips because we always learn something new. And it’s not just him. All the veterinarians on TikTok teach us new things that help us understand our pets better. We can't get enough!

In one of his clips, he plays the sound of a whining dog. A sound we’re all too familiar with. But do you know the reason behind all those whines? Take a look at the video and see if you knew these reasons. Who knows, you might even surprise yourself!

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This is such a great and informative video! We think that knowing the reasons behind a dog’s whine will help us all be better dog parents. And who doesn’t want to be the best parent for their fur babies?

“Mine doesn’t whine as much now. She always wanted attention. Now it’s because she’s hungry most times,” said @r4ng3e. Trust us, it’s not just your dog! Our dogs always want food no matter the time of the day. The whining comes second! @axelthegermanshepherd_, added, "My dog whines when dinner is 5 minutes late." At least your dog waits 5 minutes! Our dogs start whining an hour before dinner. LOL!

Another TikTok user, @mollypoppyholly, wrote, "My dog does it sometimes because he's on a diet." We whine too when we have to eat a healthy, balanced diet. LOL!  @framesrivers said, “Mine is just dramatic lol.” Now, many dog breeds are just dramatic. Aka Huskies. LOL! But at least we know now a reason behind some of the whines so we don't think they're just being dramatic!

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