Veterinarian Explains Why Pineapple Is a Great Treat for Dogs

If you find yourself getting sick and tired of eating the same snacks every day, you're certainly not alone. Everyone needs to change it up and keep things interesting sometimes, whether you're an adventurous eater or not. In fact, even our furry friends sometimes want a change of flavor, but it can be tricky to know where to start.

There are lots of commercial dog treats and dog foods you can look into, but sometimes you may want to share something you already have at home. I get it! Many dog owners turn to fresh produce for a healthy snack to share, and you'll be glad to know that you can share most fruits and veggies with your dog. Please confirm before letting them try anything new!

As veterinarian Dr. Hunter Finn explains in a December 13 TikTok video, pineapple is one of the fruits you can absolutely let your dog try. There are a few things to keep in mind before serving up this tropical treat, though, so keep reading.

Isn't that interesting? I had no idea that pineapple can deter some dogs from coprophagia habits--or eating what comes out of another animal's behind. That's certainly worth a try for any puppy or dog owner who's dealing with this problem. It's also worth noting that it doesn't have this effect on every dog, so you may need to resort to other ideas.

Related: Dog's Disgusted Reaction to a Banana Makes Us LOL

In terms of feeding your dog pineapple as a snack, though, pineapple is completely safe for dogs in small quantities. As @dr.hunterfinn said, too much of a good thing can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting, and other uncomfortable symptoms--so start them off with just one bite! Dogs' treats (including any dog-safe fruit you share) should make up no more than ten percent of their total diet, anyway, so you should have no trouble avoiding overindulgence.

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

Now that you know that pineapple is safe for dogs to eat, you may be curious about other fruits. Most of your go-to fruits like apples, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and melons are A-OK for canine consumption, but there are a few to steer clear from. Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs and should never be fed to them. If you think your dog has eaten a grape, you should call your vet immediately.

Tomatoes are another food to be careful around, as the green parts of the plant contain a chemical that's toxic to dogs. Also, fruits with pits--including cherries and avocados--are big no-nos.

As long as you keep your dog's treats to a minimum and research any new foods before you feed them to your dog, you shouldn't have to worry about keeping your furry friend safe. Happy snacking!

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