Vet Student Sweetly Comforts Goose After Wing Amputation Surgery

All animals deserve love and kindness.

TikTok account holder @DrCheryllili, a veterinarian who always posts such wonderful and educations clips to her TikTok account, recently uploaded the sweetest clip of a patient who needed a little extra TLC after an important operation.

Just watch the following to see the sweet comfort this goose receives. It's just too heartwarming.

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The video description reads 'Sometimes our feathered friends need some extra love and care too! Here, a pre-vet student is helping a goose wake up from anesthesia, showing the importance of caring for all animals.' It's just too sweet! TikTok users agree and @Memekiwii comments, "Bless this sweet goose. I love geese, they are intelligent and sensitive. I hope it recovers well." @Bug and Theo adds, "Sweet baby! Oh, my heart goes out to them. Thank you for providing that support." @Tehe hilariously replies, "I’m jealous. I’m jealous. I’m jealous.  That should be me. That should be me. That should be me."

Dr. Cheryl gave an update on this sweet goose with, "It’s doing so well!! Dr. Porter did an amazing job fixing her!!" Get well soon goose! we are all rooting for you!

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