Vet Shares Simple Tip for Easily Cutting Dog’s Black Nails

Cutting a dog's nails can be a challenge and a bit frightening, especially if you don't know what you're doing. It can also be painful for the dog if you do it wrong. Amir Anwary is a veterinarian who shares all kinds of great tips and information with his followers. In this video that he shared on Saturday March 2nd, he demonstrates how to cut a dog's nails when they are black.

When cutting black dog nails, less is more. You want to start by cutting off a small bit of nail, then continuing until you see a 'black dot' in the middle of the nail. When you see it, stop! Watch the rest to understand why it's important to stop when you get to the black dot.

This is so easy and a great tip! @Amir's commenters really appreciated the video. One commenter said, "Thank you thank you thank you it is so frustrating to have a dog with black nails! I appreciate your vids!" and many others left similar comments. But I'm with @Ash@ya who admitted, "I’m still deathly afraid of doing it myself!"

Related: Man Puts His Corgi in ‘Air Jail’ To Trim His Nails and It’s Too Funny

Tips for Clipping Dog Nails

Does your dog hate getting its nails trimmed? Many dogs do, and it can be very frustrating to try to do it yourself. But there are some tips that will help you be more confident in trying to clip your dog's nails at home.

Start by not even clipping their nails at all! The next time you're snuggling with your pooch, rub its feet to get it used to having their feet touched. Some dogs do not like this at all, which explains why many dogs don't like having their nails cut. Once they are comfortable with having you touch and rub their feet and nails, you can try to move on to clipping them.

When it's time to try to clip their nails, make sure that they are calm and comfy. Don't try to do it right after playing outside or a bath. You'll have to know where your dog's nail 'quick' is. It's different for most dog breeds, so you'll want to do a little research to find out where your dog's is. If you clip the nail to the quick, that's where the nerves and blood vessels are, and it can hurt and cause their nails to bleed.

If you've tried to clip their nails and still not feeling comfortable with doing it yourself, you can always try a different approach. It will take some practice, but many people swear that using a Dremel tool to file down a pooch's nails is much easier than actually clipping them.

If all else fails, you can try this epic and genius hack, or a trip to a groomer might be in order. Sometimes letting a professional handle it will save both you and your dog a lot of stress!

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