Veronica Paulsen Seeks Redemption Following Kings & Queens Cancellation

Veronica Paulsen is a professional freeskier based in Jackson, Wyoming. She's also the first woman to land a backflip into Corbet's Couloir.

When the iconic competition was cancelled this year, Paulsen's plan of landing the first female double backflip into Corbet's pivoted, and she went storm chasing in Tahoe instead. Check out the new episode below. Keep scrolling for my short Q&A.

Q&A with Veronica Paulsen below.

It was a bummer that K&Qs was cancelled. How did your plans change for this episode once the decision was made?

"Yeah, so I've been grinding on this episode since the summer. It was supposed to be a behind the scenes of Kings and Queens, just showing off my training and everything leading up to the competition. 

During the summer we filmed my gym training, my water ramp training, and then early season we were filming any jump days I had. 

Unfortunately the event was canceled, but we made this amazing episode and we didn't want it to go away, so we just decided like, "hey, let's like make this new goal. The competition's canceled, but I still haven't gotten my double back flips really cleanly stomped. So like that's the new goal." 

Then, we move into that, and show some more practice and me trying to get those down."

Why did you choose to shoot the rest of the episode in California?

"We saw something in the forecast. We definitely wanted to storm chase. There was a big storm coming and just with how tough the early season was, I was getting frustrated and feeling a little stuck.

It's so nice to be able to get out of town sometimes. Since I'm from there, I had a lot of friends and everyone was getting excited for that storm, so decided to make the drive and head out."

Veronica Paulsen stands above Corbet's Couloir at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort<p>Veronica Paulsen</p>
Veronica Paulsen stands above Corbet's Couloir at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort

Veronica Paulsen

Who works with you to produce the series?

"I produce the series, and my filmer and editor is Charlotte Percle. She is such a wizard. She does such a good job. .

She's my head cinematographer and head editor, but she does so much more than that. She helps me plan out the shoots and make sure we're getting everything on the shot list and make sure that the story is flowing in the video. So she's incredible. She's like my main partner in this. And then we bring on other filmers when we need an extra angle.

So we had this woman in Tahoe, Susie Theis, who's a friend of mine who I've worked with in the past. She came and flew drone for us."

The color grading is so beautiful in all of your videos. 

"Thanks. Yeah, Charlotte has a history. She used to work with TGR and she's very professional, she has worked on so many projects. I'm lucky to have her. "

Were there any funny moments from making this particular episode that come to mind? 

"Yeah, because of the tough conditions we had all early season, you know when everything is going wrong over and over and there's this tipping point where it's just like comical, where one more thing goes wrong and you just start laughing. 

You're like, "of course this would go wrong." That's honestly the vibe of the video. It's gonna be pretty funny, but it ends on a good note. But it was a tough road to get there. ."

What future plans/content are you stoked on moving forward?

"Everything's been happening one right after the other, ever since winter picked up. We already have two more episodes coming out next month following this.

We have winter camping with Griffin Post. He brought us in this remote area. It was such a good time.
The next one we're actually going to film tomorrow is with Madison Rose and she's teaching me some rope skills and how to repel.

Hopefully we're going to get into this fun like classic chute in the Grand Teton National Park. That's coming out in March."

That sounds like a blast. 

"Yeah, I'm really excited. The series has been an excuse for me to just get people to like teach me stuff that I wanna learn , so it's perfect."

For more about Veronica Paulsen and the cancellation of Kings and Queens of Corbet's, check out the article below.

Related: Cancelling Kings And Queens Of Corbet's 2024 Was The Right Call

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