How Venus in Gemini Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (& Make Dating More Fun)

How Venus in Gemini Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (& Make Dating More Fun)
How Venus in Gemini Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (& Make Dating More Fun)

Are you ready to shake up your love life? With Venus moving into the fun, flirtatious, and cheeky sign of Gemini later this month, your next spring fling could be right around the corner. If you’re interested to learn how Venus in Gemini 2024 will affect each zodiac sign (particularly your own), you’re in the right place!

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Venus symbolizes love, beauty, and the money we hold in our pockets. It’s typically a planet that represents “worth”. Thus, the sign it travels through tends to signify what we value the most and provides a roadmap for how we might approach love during its time in that sign. However, it all really depends on which of the 12 astrological houses in your birth chart is ruled by Gemini.

During these past few weeks of Venus in Taurus, we’ve been cozying up with a fuzzy blanket, imbuing our days with romance, fantasy, and luxury. Think: candlelit dinners, gifts, and slow Sunday mornings spent in bed. Its journey through Taurus could have slowed down the energy just enough for us to take some foundation-building steps in newbie relationships. But Gemini and Taurus? Wildly different. Taurus has a sensual, slow-and-steady kind of energy that would cause great boredom for the spontaneous and flirtatious sign of Gemini.

Now, as Venus makes its debut in Gemini on May 23, 2024 at 4:31 p.m. ET, we’ll be encouraged to have a little more fun in our partnerships. Represented by the childlike Twins, the only thing serious about Gemini energy is its need for play. So, strap in and get ready for witty banter, word play, cat-and-mouse games, and childish dates at the arcade or amusement park.

On May 25, two days after Venus enters Gemini, Venus will make a trine to Pluto, the planet of truth and destruction. This is really just about uncovering the truth and sharing information. It’s a great day to share a secret, get a little vulnerable, or tell an important story to someone you’re dating.

Venus enters Gemini on May 23 at 4:31 p.m. ET and leaves it behind on June 17.

Venus won’t make any daring aspects up until it squares off with Saturn in Pisces on June 8. Saturn tends to be the rule-maker that can catch us in the little lies that we share. The truth will out today, no matter how hard you try to subdue it. A few days later, Venus makes a sextile with vulnerable Chiron—the asteroid responsible for our childhood wounds—making it a great day to be vulnerable with your partner. And finally, Venus hits Neptune in a square on June 16, which can make us a little more prone to fantasy and delusion. Push those love goggles to the side.

How Venus in Gemini Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s how Venus in Gemini 2024 will affect your love life and financial status, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:



Recently, Venus’ travels through Taurus had you focusing on your money values and personal boundaries in love. However, with more Gemini energy, your love life is about to hit a spark plug, Aries. Get ready for your phone to blow up with exes, Hinge prospects, or resurfaced old connections. Regardless of what happens, you’re going to have some really interesting conversations with new and old flings. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



You’re normally so careful with money and love, Taurus. But something about Gemini’s fun and optimistic energy allows you to loosen the reins a little bit. You might find yourself spending a little more on yourself than usual in the name of self-love (we’re here for it!). You might also give people who aren’t usually “your type” more of a chance. Remember, Gemini is fluid and fluctuating. So, any rigid standards you have relating to money and practicalities are likely to be thrown out the window. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Ah, Venus is traveling through your personal sign! Honestly, it’s the best time to be a Gemini, because you’re going to be attracting so much more love and money without even trying. People are focusing on their love life in a fun, upbeat, Gemini-like way. So, if you’re just being you, you’re bound to attract even more attention than you normally would. This is the best time to put yourself out there in the dating world—particularly on dating apps, since Gemini also rules technology. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Venus in Gemini has a lighthearted vibe, but it’s likely to make you more introspective. When Venus moves through this part of your chart, there’s a call for connection between our spirituality and our inner emotional world. Because of this, you might distance yourself from dating for a minute. A change in perspective, a discussion on standards, an approach to self-love, and a consideration of how karmic love has played out in your life are all topics to think about. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Honestly, this is your vibe, Leo. Gemini tends to bring friends, parties, gossip, excitement! And based on where it’s traveling in your chart, you’re going to be met with party invites, a thrilling amount of dating drama, new friends, and perhaps even some friends-with-benefits options. Use this time to show new love prospects your playful personality—and by the time they fall in love with you, it’ll be the Venus will be moving through uber-committed Cancer. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



While Venus in Gemini can bring exciting dating adventures for many signs, for Virgos it’s more likely to highlight your work world. You’re going to have a number of opportunities to network with people who can help your business grow. What’s more? You might even find that business and pleasure mix—creating a whirlwind work romance that allows you to have something fun to dream about when you’re in the office. Since this transit is occurring in your publicity sector, you could receive a promotion or some public declaration of love (one that won’t completely traumatize you). Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Love can be found in all sorts of places. And for you, Libra, there’s an emphasis on travel and widened perspectives. Could it be that you meet a new prospect while on a trip? Perhaps they’re sitting next to you on the plane or you have an adorable meet-cute in a Parisian cafe. There’s something so charming about an unexpected connection while out and about, and the romance of it all is oh-so-Libra. So, book a trip, pack some adorable outfits, and put on that “meet me” smile! Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Even though Venus in Gemini brings witty banter, this energy is going to spark something mysterious and charming for you. Something about Venus’ travels through the sign of the Twins allows you to see someone for who they are, and also who you want them to be—kickstarting a powerful moment of sexual fantasy. Gemini rules technology as well, so as Venus travels through the part of your chart relating to sex, tantalizing video chats are certainly not out of the question. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Lucky you, Sagittarius! This Venus transit is moving through the part of your chart in charge of love life and prospects. Even more than that, Venus in Gemini tends to be filled with surprises. You never know where you’ll meet someone new! So, vary your daily movements. Try a new coffee shop. Sign up for a class. Do something spontaneous. All of this can help you welcome in brand-new suitors and exciting love scenarios. You’ll also be encouraged to think more deeply about what love really means. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



How often do you make love a daily practice, Capricorn? Venus in Gemini is going to pull your focus away from work and funnel it toward daily love efforts—like calling someone each night or sending someone flowers to make their day better. Doing these little things may feel trite or insignificant to you. But the quick-fired energy of Gemini is going to fill your head with ideas on how to show someone you care. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Venus is moving away from your family sector and into the part of your chart that represents dating, sex, and close friend groups, you have a seriously fun time ahead. RSVP “yes” to invites—including for first dates—because if you put yourself out there, you’re likely to meet all sorts of new friends. And if you’re looking for some no-strings-attached kind of partnership, you’re in luck. Now is the time, Aquarius. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.



Venus’ earlier travels through Taurus may have brought up some interesting lovers. But this month will take you away from romantic love and help you focus on familial love. Venus in Gemini is all about fun and games. And since it’s moving through the family part of your chart, buckle in for family BBQs, birthdays, and events. Since Gemini rules children, it’s a great time to tap into your inner child and play with all the littles—siblings, cousins, nieces, and nephews. Read your full May monthly horoscope here.

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