Give Vegan Eggnog A Chance This Holiday Season

2 glass mugs of eggnog
2 glass mugs of eggnog - Ma-k/Getty Images

Nothing beats a glass of chilled homemade eggnog during the festive season. While this long-time traditional beverage seems to be a classic crowd-pleaser, this dairy-rich and egg-heavy beverage is off-limits to those who follow a vegan diet. Making an old-fashioned eggnog recipe requires large amounts of egg yolks in addition to whole milk, heavy cream, spices, and any alcohol such as bourbon or brandy. Since all self-proclaimed vegans avoid most animal-based products, eggnog is a beverage that many plant-based foodies have to pass up unless they make homemade versions free from dairy and egg products.

Sure enough, whether you follow a vegan diet or simply prefer dairy-free beverages, you have more than one option for enjoying a glass of vegan eggnog. Even though you can now buy a variety of premade vegan eggnogs at your nearest grocery store, why not make your own with one of the best plant-based milks of 2023? With so many dairy-free milk options, you can either use a milk variety that naturally has a thicker consistency or add some extra special ingredients to make your vegan eggnog comparable to the traditional classic.

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How To Make Vegan Eggnog At Home

Frothy milk beverages in mugs
Frothy milk beverages in mugs - Veselovaelena/Getty Images

The process behind making vegan-friendly eggnog is quite simple, thanks to the variety of plant milks available. However, choosing the right plant milk for the job is the key to making a vegan eggnog that holds up to the original in terms of flavor and consistency. While you can always make homemade cashew or almond milk thicker by adding more nuts to your standard recipe, the plant milk with a naturally heavy consistency you may want to try is oat milk. Oat milk is known to be one of the creamiest plant milks due to the process of blending oats and water before straining.

To make an easy vegan eggnog, simply combine oat milk with a bit of nutmeg, cinnamon, and the sweetener of your choice. Simmer the mixture over your stove for approximately 10 minutes before cooling in your refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours before consuming. You can create your own tasty vegan eggnog in just a few small steps in no time. If you decide to add in a bit of bourbon, stir in the alcohol once your eggnog has initially cooled. While using oat milk to make tasty vegan eggnog is relatively easy and delicious, if you want your holiday beverage to have an even creamier, thicker consistency, you have a few more options to consider.

Make Vegan Eggnog Ultra-Rich With Just A Few Additional Ingredients

Eggnog with whipped cream
Eggnog with whipped cream - Melaniemaya/Getty Images

If you're not a fan of oat milk, you may want to bulk up the consistency of this luscious holiday drink. Apart from using almond, coconut, or soy milk, adding canned coconut milk may help give your beverage a creamier texture. However, there are certain factors you should consider before using canned coconut milk. For example, some brands may add sugar or extra additives depending on the variety. Choose a full-fat, unsweetened variety and add a little at a time to determine your ideal ratio of ingredients. If you don't want the flavor of coconut to overpower your eggnog, you can also try a natural thickener such as cornstarch or arrowroot powder. Make sure to whisk in the powdered ingredients before heating. This way, as your drink heats over the stove, all the elements cohesively come together and thicken with ease.

There is more than one way to make rich and flavorful vegan eggnog. Yet, if you don't want to spend time trying out different plant milks and sweeteners, you have the freedom to choose from various vegan eggnogs at your neighborhood grocery store. With the plant-based market on the rise, there are now over 10 varieties to choose from nationwide, depending on the supermarket. Whether you try a homemade recipe or buy a premade bottle, eggnog is a versatile, creamy beverage that can now accommodate a wide range of dietary restrictions.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.