You’ve Never Seen a Newsletter Like This Before

neutral living room with picture windows
Inspiration overload in designer Whitney Romanoff's Arkansas cabin.

Are you as design obsessed as a Domino editor? If the answer is yes, we’ve been hard at work creating something special just for you. I’m so excited to finally introduce Home Front, Domino’s new weekly newsletter deep dive into the rising and returning trends, decor, and teeniest of design details fresh on our editors’ radar. Where did it pop up first? Who has the chicest take? How can it be styled? You’ll connect the dots right along with us.

I know space in your inbox is a hot commodity—same—so we’ve put together six airtight reasons to subscribe now. Home Front is a must-read if…

1. You like being the friend who is in the know.

We love the thrill of discovering something first—and if I had to guess, so do you. Home Front is where you'll find what's new, next, and coming back in design before we share it anywhere else.

2. You want to connect with people who are as into decorating as you are.

We feel the same way. Home Front is where enthusiasts like us can geek out together. Candle wall sconces! TikTok’s unexpected red theory! We delve into it all.

3. Shopping online stresses you out.

If you’re on the internet, you’ve heard about girl math. In Home Front, we do design math. Every week, we dig into a product category—chunky wicker sofas, chrome-frame chairs—to uncover the best options, whether you’re trying to save or ready to splurge. We then dissect the pros and cons of each to help you calculate which one is worth it for you.

4. Your Discover page isn’t cutting it as design inspiration anymore.

The thing about being ultra-online is that, eventually, everything starts to look the same. Not in Home Front. We promise to surprise you week after week with in-depth explorations of the fresh ideas we’re spotting in real life. Today, it might be baby blue. Tomorrow…well, you’ll have to subscribe to find out.

5. You want to know the Domino editors better.

You read the latest on Domino. You follow us on social media. But that’s just scratching the surface of how fun and full of opinions we are. Each week, you'll hear firsthand from a different editor, getting to know them and their style on a deeper level.

6. You have your own hot takes and want to share them.

Good, because this is the place to spill them. Each edition of Home Front gives you a chance to weigh in with what you’re personally loving (or not so much) right now. We can't wait to hear what you think.

All right, now go subscribe to Home Front!