I’ve Never Run Out Of Clorox Wipes, Thanks To Amazon’s Secret Tool

Photo credit: Clorox
Photo credit: Clorox

From Delish

Over the last 10 months, certain items have become impossible to find. Namely, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. And while new (and sometimes sketchy) hand sanitizer brands have come out of the woodwork, trustworthy, virus-killing wipes, like Clorox Wipes, are still practically unobtainable.

Quickly, for anyone who’s not been paying attention, the reason they’re so hard to find is due to the supply chain. Andy Mowery, Clorox’s chief supply officer, explained to the New York Times back in October that the reason for the disruption is supply. It’s unfortunately not as easy as just “making more wipes.” Each of the individual components of the wipe — from the plastic lid to the disinfecting agents — comes from a different supplier. And if one of them can't make their single ingredient, the wipes can't be assembled.

But I have a secret. I never once ran out of my Clorox Wipes stash. And I'm here to tell you how. (If you're just here to buy some quickly, before they disappear again, here's the link.)

Subscribe and Save: Yep, that Amazon tool smart shoppers, like myself, use to save up to 15% on regularly ordered items. Add these to your monthly subscription and you'll have a supply of Clorox wipes showing up regularly. They might not come every month, and sometimes you’ll get a message saying, “We had to cancel this order,” but I promise you, Amazon is filling their Subscribe and Save orders before one-time purchases.

I had Clorox wipes in my Amazon Subscribe and Save subscription before the pandemic. I was set up to order a 3-pack of disinfecting wipes in canisters every 3 months. So when the pandemic hit, I had a few canisters under my sink. I started being way more conservative about using them, I stuck to a few “pandemic panic routines” for their usage, but I had extras and was able to give a canister to a friend who was scared to take her newborn baby to the pediatrician, and a neighbor who was literally in tears over not being able to find them. If you see the larger canisters in stock, add to your subscriptions immediately. They're elusive.

When everyone else was panic-searching for wipes in March, a 3-pack appeared on my doorstep. And another in June. And November. See for yourself!

Photo credit: Christine Anderson
Photo credit: Christine Anderson

You, too, can get Clorox Wipes. But you have to set up Subscribe and Save. It’s worth noting that Subscribe and Save is a useful, money-saving perk of Amazon’s, for thousands of items you might purchase on a regular cadence. Get your toilet paper, toothbrush heads, dog food, diapers, and other hard-to-find items by setting up a subscription.


Currently, Amazon has 3-packs of 75 wipes in stock, but act quickly. We don't expect them to remain in stock for long.

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