You’ve Heard of Purple Shampoo for Blondes, Now Meet Blue Shampoo for Brunettes

In the same way blonde strands start turning brassy over time, brown hair can also develop some unwanted undertones. Exposure to the sun oxidizes the color, which is why your chocolate-brown locks start looking kind of orangey after a few too many brunches in the sun. And nope, natural brunettes aren’t immune to the color-changing effects. Luckily the solution is as easy as washing your hair.

Turns out, blue shampoos like Aveda’s Blue Malva Shampoo can work wonders for maintaining that deep, dark color. It’s the exact same strategy that applies to purple shampoo and blondes: The blue pigments cancel out their color-wheel opposites (aka those copper hues) to keep your hair color rich and glossy like it was when you left the salon.

So if your locks have been looking a little worse for wear, try rinsing with a blue-tone shampoo at least once a week. You’ll be back to your brunette-bombshell self in no time.

Buy now ($44)

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