We’ve got a “Star Wars: Episode VIII” behind-the-scenes pic, and it could literally mean anything

We’ve got a “Star Wars: Episode VIII” behind-the-scenes pic, and it could literally mean anything

We’ve got a “Star Wars: Episode VIII” behind-the-scenes pic, and it could literally mean anything
We’ve got a “Star Wars: Episode VIII” behind-the-scenes pic, and it could literally mean anything

We’re living in a really awesome time right now, friends. Why? Because for the first time in history, we’ve got a Star Wars director who is on social media. How amazing is that?? There was no Twitter around in 1977, so George Lucas most certainly did not tweet anything. J.J. Abrams’ production company, Bad Robot, tweeted out stuff here and there during the production of Force Awakens, but it’s not like he was actually behind the controls.

Now, there’s a new director, Rian Johnson, at the helm of Star Wars: Episode VIII, and he not only has a Twitter, but a Tumblr, too. This is great for us, because that means he’s going to personally share some amazing behind-the-scenes moments of the cast and crew shooting the new movie!

Or, he could share completely vague things about Episode VIII, leaving us wondering what the heck is going on.

Late Thursday night, Johnson uploaded a picture of cinematographer (and long-time Johnson collaborator) Steve Yedlin. Yedlin is stading ~somewhere~ on the Star Wars set, and yes, this is so far the first official (but still, unofficial) picture from the set. Exciting, right?


Except, that it’s hard to figure out exactly what Yedlin is standing in front of, and what’s going on around him. What we know for certain is that this is 100% a Star Wars set. It looks to been a ship of some sort, so there’s probably an 80% chance that this is the Millennium Falcon, once again returning to the role it made famous as the fastest ship in the galaxy. It looks to be the cockpit, too, judging by the giant chair directly to the right of Yedlin.

And considering that we can see into the front of the ship, that means they’re filming a scene behind the controls—but who’s going to be there? Rey and Chewie? Rey and Luke? Just Rey, because she’s so good she can pilot the whole ship herself?

The excitement is already too much to handle, and Episode VIII is still a very long 643 days away.

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