If You've Had To Cut Family Members Out Of Your Life, Tell Me About Your Experience And What You've Learned

Often times the messaging we see in media is that there's nothing more important than family.

man saying, what's real is family
man saying, what's real is family

Universal / Via giphy.com

But the truth is that this is simply not the case for everyone.

woman shaking her head
woman shaking her head

Warner Bros / Via giphy.com

For some people, the idea of family is an incredibly complicated one, with relationships ranging from strained to virtually non-existent.

It can be really difficult to navigate these relationships and feelings alone, and it's not something that is often talked about.

Maybe a parent or a sibling refused to respect your boundaries and you were forced to cut off contact in order to maintain your mental health.

closeup of woman and daughter

Perhaps political or religious views have driven a wedge between you and your family and it seems like there is no way to reconcile.

family in the kitchen
Focus Features / ©Focus Features/courtesy Everett Collect / Everett Collection

Or maybe there was a big argument where things were said that you just could not come back from.

mom and daughter
A24 / courtesy Everett Collection

In the spirit of encouraging these kinds of conversations, I'm coming to the BuzzFeed Community, asking you to share your stories. Whether you feel completely estranged from your family or your relationships have been changed in ways that can't be undone, I want to hear what happened.

How long has it been? Have there been any attempts to repair the relationship(s)? Has anything helped you personally navigate these tricky emotions? How do you feel about the relationship now? What advice might you give to others?

You can submit your stories in the comments below, or you can submit them anonymously using this Google Form.

Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.