What Are Vampire Devices? Take Steps to Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Electricity consumption within homes is a pervasive aspect of modern living. With numerous appliances and devices constantly drawing energy, phantom power is ever in use. From kitchen appliances like refrigerators and microwaves to gaming consoles and cell phone chargers, the list of everyday items using standby power or vampire power goes on, and on, and on.

The Effects of Consuming Vampire Electricity

The continuous draw of vampire electronics contributes significantly to energy bills and environmental impact. Idle-load electricity alone plays a large role in greenhouse gas emissions for the average American consumer. Not to be confused with Energy Vampires a la Colin Robinson of What We Do In The Shadows, vampire devices make a huge impact on our home's utility consumption, resulting in higher electricity costs.

"Vampire devices are plugged-in devices left in the socket when not in use, specifically ones that we don’t realize consume large amounts of energy. As a result, they significantly impact energy bills—even in standby or “off” modes," warns Michael Lotfy Gierges, EVP of Home & Distribution, Schneider Electric. "Examples of vampire devices include TVs, mobile device chargers, coffee machines and games consoles. Thankfully, consumers are becoming aware of these energy suckers and starting to change their habits to save on their bills and energy use."

Reduce the Cost of Vampire Energy: How to Save Money on Energy Bills

Vampire energy costs affect your annual cost of electricity and your household's annual carbon emissions. Reduce your monthly electricity bills by taking a look at the biggest culprits of energy usage around your home. Modern technology offers solutions that help. "Homeowners often look for the path of least resistance when it comes to introducing new technology and new habits into their daily lives," shares Gierges. Keeping things plugged in is convenient, but expensive, and it uses tons of carbon dioxide. "Anyone looking to improve their home with green technology can look at it from a lens of how big of a change they want to see."

1. Make Small Changes Throughout Your Home

Technology exists to make your home more energy efficient, reduce your bills and lessen your carbon footprint. "Some accessible energy-saving habits you can build into everyday practice include installing LED lights, lowering the thermostat by a few degrees when possible, and unplugging or keeping all major electrical devices on a timer, especially common culprits like game consoles and TVs," shares Gierges. Take steps to minimize unnecessary energy drain and promote more efficient energy usage in households. Little by little, you can reduce electricity usage caused by these phantom loads.

Simple habits make a difference:

  • unplug chargers

  • unplug hair dryers and hair straighteners

  • unplug small, countertop appliances like air fryers, toasters, and espresso machines

  • use smart power strips with switches

  • put computers and laptops in sleep mode when not in use

  • invest in smart plugs

  • unplug laptop chargers

  • upgrade to LED nightlights

  • upgrade to Energy Star appliances

  • switch electronic devices to standby mode or eco mode (even though both are still an energy draw)

Related: Is Using a Dishwasher More Efficient?

2. Use Tracking Systems

Homeowners can stay apprised of energy waste by implementing a tracking system. "Energy monitoring technology allows users to view where energy consumption is happening; our data shows just by seeing where energy is used helps to reduce energy bills by 8%," shares Gierges. "Innovations such as the Wiser Energy Monitor can be accessed via an easy-to-use app so homeowners can get a full home view of their energy use in real-time, as well as enable control of energy in the home. This includes being notified of and turning off pricey appliances if accidentally left on or making sure connected devices only consume energy during lower tariff periods."

Related: How to Get Level 2 EV Charging Without an Electric Panel Upgrade

3. Embrace the New Energy Landscape

Make your home future-ready today. "Alternative power sources—solar, battery, and EV—can help reduce overall energy consumption costs by up to 50%, along with an almost equivalent reduction in CO2 emissions too. By equipping your home with solar and battery back-up you not only produce and store your own renewable energy, but also make your home energy more resilient in the face of power outages," shares Gierges. To completely electrify, many consumers will need to upgrade their home's electrical panel. He adds, "Assets like the Square D Energy Center help homeowners fully reap the benefits of these installations by making integration into their home secure and easy."

Rewiring America also launched its Personal Electrification Planner, which helps homeowners generate a personalized plan based on their unique home, lifestyle, and priorities. The planner’s powerful data model crunches dozens of factors and hundreds of home types to create each plan, adding up the individual cost and energy savings, incentive and rebate eligibility, and climate impact of key electric upgrades to your home and vehicle. In less than five minutes, the tool can produce a unique home-electrification plan to help you design a plan for your home that works with your budget and goals.

“In interviewing homeowners, we heard over and over again that people learned a lot of information often the hard way, as they took on these projects to go electric,” said Tom Mercer, Head of Product at Rewiring America. “Our goal was to develop a set of resources that could help homeowners front load these learnings, make smarter choices, and give people a better idea of what the journey could look like for their specific home. The Personal Electrification Planner really gives homeowners that advantage.”