Vail's Keystone Resort Opens Uphill Access For The Season

Keystone Resort, Colorado, has opening uphill access for the season.

The resort shared the details of its uphill access plan in an Instagram post shared earlier today.

From the caption:

"Uphill access is ready for the season! With the opening of The Edge trail, our two designated uphill routes are now open:

From River Run Village:

River Run Trail > The Edge > Spring Dipper to Dercum Summit.

From Mountain House Base Area:

Schoolmarm > Jaybird > Spring Dipper to Dercum Summit."

It's noteworthy that this access isn't available at all times. Uphill travel is prohibited at Keystone when the resort is open. If you hit the skin track in the morning, you must be off Keystone's piste by 8:15 a.m. Uphill evening travelers can't start skinning until 30 minutes after Keystone has closed for the day.

Review the following rules provided by Keystone for further information:

  1. Stay off of all posted CLOSED trails

  2. Abide by all posted signs, including all closed signs

  3. Make themselves visible to approaching snowmobiles or snowcats

  4. Wear reflective clothing, stay to the middle of the trail

  5. Wear a headlamp or carry a flashlight (when it is dark or twilight)

  6. Snowcat winching may be in progress, obey all closures

  7. No dogs, other than service animals, are allowed on the slopes at any time

  8. Uphill access is not allowed until 30 minutes after the close of lifts for the day

  9. Users must be off the mountain 15 minutes prior to opening of the lifts to the public for the day

  10. The ski area is not maintained for uphill access and the trails are not patrolled outside of normal operating hour, users assume all risks associated with access

  11. Uphill access users are asked to obey all rules and regulations associated with the use of National Forest land

Related: Canadian Ski Resort Removing Intermediate Terrain From Famous Chairlift. Here’s Why.

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