Utility Pants Might Be the Comfiest (and Most Wearable) Trend on the Market Right Now

There was the pervasive “dad shoe” trend. The revival of the once-blacklisted ’80s-inspired “belt bag” (read: fanny pack). The return of the mom jean—a now-ubiquitous must-have that was somehow deemed controversial five (or so) years ago. These movements, when considered together, signal a trend within the industry: The fashion set has something of an obsession with reinventing “ugly” relics from the past, rendering them cool girl-approved pieces with cult followings. The latest fad to get this treatment? Utility pants.

Cargo and utility pants, of course, got their start in the military. But they were popularized in the name of fashion—not war—in the late 1990s and early 2000s. And now, they’ve seen another sartorial resurrection. These days, the utility pant trend offers...

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