Utah Ski Resorts Celebrating First Snowfall Of The Season

Million of Americans are celebrating Labor Day with various end of summer traditions. Meanwhile, northern Utah's highest peaks are sporting a fresh coat of white.

Multiple ski resorts across Utah's Wasatch Mountains woke up on the  this morning (September 4th, 2023) to snow falling on their tallest peaks.

Check out the photos shared by Snowbird and Solitude below:

The season's first storm didn't deposit more than a few centimeters of snow, but is anybody complaining? I'm certainly not!

The first storms of the season are rarely significant in regards to total accumulation, but even a light dusting of white flakes on the highest peaks is enough to satisfy the aching hearts of skiers longing for winter.

Utah join the likes of Mt. Hood Meadows, Les 3 Vallées, and more in recording their first snow of the season.

Solitude is planning to open on November 17th, conditions permitting. Snowbird has yet to announced an opening day.

It won't be long before all of our favorite resorts are donning white coats and spinning lifts for us to enjoy.

Hang tight friends. Winter is coming!

Related: Summer Blizzard Dumps "Almost" Enough Snow To Go Skiing At World's Largest Ski Resort

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