Utah Ski Resort Blasted By "Octobuary" Snow Storm

Is it fall, or is it winter? The weather can't seem to make up its mind.

Alta Ski Area, Utah, had a solution for the seasonal confusion, dubbing the recent spate of western storms "Octobuary."

It'll make more sense after you watch this video shot at Alta yesterday, October 26th.

See what I mean? That's not a little tickle of snow -- that's a full-on blizzard. "Octobuary," indeed.

This is what Alta looks like today, post-storm, via the resort's webcams.

Alta's high rustler zone on October 27th, 2023.<p>Alta Ski Area</p>
Alta's high rustler zone on October 27th, 2023.

Alta Ski Area

And here's another peek, wherein Alta touted "eight inches of snow and enough cold air to fire up the snowguns" on Instagram.

Sure, it's not the thickest coating of snow -- at least at mid-elevations -- but with reasonably cold temperatures predicted for the coming week at Alta, it could be enough to get the resort's base layer started. That's not to mention the added bonus of snowmaking.

Earlier this month, Alta benefitted from another early-season storm that provided enough coverage for go-getter skiers to make their first turns of the season. Among the October skier crowd was professional mountaineer and skier Caroline Gleich.

Looking ahead, Alta plans to fire up the lifts for skiing (not riding!) on November 17th, weather and conditions permitting.

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