Utah Ski Area Reporting Fresh June Snowfall

More snow fell on Alta Ski Area, Utah this season than any in recorded history, and it seems like Mother Nature isn't quite finished.

The ski area shared images yesterday evening of a fresh coating of snow that fell at higher elevations on Mount Baldy. Check it out below:

The snow is dusty, but couldn't you be fooled for a second that these images were taken in early-March and not mid-June?!?!

Alta closed for the season back in April and officially stopped counting snowfall shortly thereafter. The ski area measured 903 inches before the season was said and done.

Let's put that into perspective. It snows around 500 inches each season at Alta making it one of the snowiest ski resorts on the planet. Powder skiers flock from far and wide to ski Alta's brand of Utah's 'Greatest Snow On Earth' on an average year.

500 inches is roughly 42 feet or about the size of two giraffes stacked on top of each other. Still with me? Hold on. I'm about to land this plane.

Alta saw nearly double their average snowfall this year at 903 inches or about 75 feet. In keeping with the odd giraffe comparison, that's about 3.75 giraffes!

Consider this my official request for Alta to make T-shirts that show 3.75 giraffes stacked on top of each other to commemorate this season.

You can go ahead and write me down for an order of no less than 100 shirts.

Alta Ski Area Stats/Info:

Vertical: 2,538 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 2,614 ac.

Average Snowfall: 538 in.

Lifts: 6

Trails: 119

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: NO

Mega-Pass: Ikon, Mountain Collective

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