Utah Resort To Receive Up To A Foot In Next Two Days

Powder Mountain, UT, is going to become double-powder mountain very soon. Within the next couple days, in fact.

Officials at PowMow announced that "after a very brief hiatus, we are predicted to receive up to 12” over the next 2 days."

Today at the resort, it is 33 degrees F and sunny--just a tad colder could welcome in new snow.

The storm rolls in tonight. Over the last week, the resort saw 34 inches, and already has a base depth of 101 inches, with 251 inches of snowfall this season.

Tomorrow calls for thundersnow, and 1-2 inches in the morning, followed by 4-8 inches in the afternoon. Tuesday will also see fresh snow, with 2-4 inches in the morning followed by 1 inch in the afternoon dusting things off.

Officials at the resort warn people to exercise caution as they arrive. "With a ton of incoming snow, please OBEY all 4x4 traction laws. Passenger vehicles are required to have 4 wheel drive or all-wheel drive with snow tires and/or chains!⁠"

If you don't have the right vehicle or tires to make it up to the mountain, take the UTA and jump on the bus at one of the 11 stops before it heads up the mountain.

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