Utah Favored For Deepest Snow From End Of Week Storm

Meteorologist Chris Tomer has declared right now to be a "waiting game" for the West Coast until April 18th.

The Wasatch in particular could see 14-18 inches of snow from this weather pattern. Watch below.

From 4/14 to 4/18, Tomer predicts that some areas will see as much as 18 inches. Park City and Alta, for example, are predicted to see 18 inches, while other areas will see much less: Jackson Hole will see 2 inches and Grand Targhee will see 6 inches.

The Wasatch will see the snowfall from April 15th to the 18th.

Bridger Bowl is predicted to receive 10 inches, with Red Lodge receiving 8, and Big Sky coming in ahead with 16 inches forecast for the resort.

The Sierra will see their snow starting on the 12th, lasting until the 14th.

This means that California will see some snowfall from this pattern as well, but not as much as Utah. Heavenly in South Lake Tahoe will get a 1 inch dusting, and Mammoth Mountain is predicted to do slightly better, seeing 5 inches.

The northeast will see similar amounts as California: Tomer forecasts that Sugarloaf, ME, will receive 1 inch, as will Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.

Overall, Utah is the place to ski and ride for the upcoming weather pattern. But even a dusting is appreciated. It is April, after all.

Related: Why A "Bad Bear" Temporarily Closed Palisades Tahoe's Granite Chief Lift

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