USC is now offering a class on how to be an influencer

Influencing is becoming more and more of a legitimate career path for Gen Zers — and USC is taking note. NBC News published a breakdown of the University of Southern California’s relatively new curriculum. in which students can train to be influencers and content creators. While there is no specific major dedicated to the craft, the school takes it more seriously than just a hobby. Business Insider reported that the influencer industry was worth an estimated $8 billion in 2019. and is projected to be worth around $15 billion by 2022. Robert Kozinets, who is the professor of strategic public relations at USC’s Annenberg school for communication and journalism. was the one who started offering a course on influencing last year. "So I think this is a huge area. I can tell you the students who are focusing on these areas... are not having a problem finding jobs here in Los Angeles and in other places,” Kozinets told NBC