New ‘This Is Us’ Episode 16 Photos Preview Kate's Viva Las Vegas Bachelorette Party

It’s been a long 17 days sans This Is Us (no offense, Olympics), but these first-look photos are just the tease we need to hold us (and our ugly-cry) over.

NBC just released a new set of photos from the upcoming episode on Tuesday, February 27, and, damn, it’s a complete 180 from previous episodes. Not only does Kate (Chrissy Metz) celebrate her bachelorette party in the one and only Sin City, but Toby (Chris Sullivan) also wears a statement suit that looks as if it came straight from the New York Fashion Week runway.

Here’s your first look at season two, episode 16 of This Is Us:

These towels are at least 900 GSM, right?

A Pearson family Hanukkah?

Now that’s a suit jacket.

To get a glass of water or to not get a glass of water…that is the question.

Damn, Rebecca (Mandy Moore). Talk about supermodel waves.

The calm before the hangover.

That smile, though.

Is it just us, or does this look like a scene from Bridesmaids?


Just Beth (Susan Kelechi Watson) living her best life.

Because no selfie is complete without a mic drop.

Don’t mind us.

Welcome back, Deja (Lyric Ross).

A Pearson anniversary? This is going to be good.

Be sure to tune in to This Is Us this Tuesday at 9 p.m. on NBC.

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