What Uranus in retrograde means for your star sign

From 24th August until 22nd January 2023, eccentric, rebellious Uranus moves into a retrograde (an astrological transit when a planet appears to be moving backwards, albeit simply an optical illusion created by orbiting, which is also believed to reverse or block that planet’s influence or energy). We all know about the Mercury retrogrades (incoming 9th September) but Uranus’s retrograde is much milder, easier to handle, and more reflective than disruptive.

This five month retrograde (you can slow down and take your time…) is a great window of opportunity to process and reflect upon the changes, shifts, and external transformations which have impacted your life in the past year. It’s been a LOT, right? Well, take stock. Sit back and mull the big picture. Kinda like a really slow build up to making New Year’s resolutions! A chance to sift through your ups, downs, growth, and setbacks, and identify ideas or insights that you want to use to create plans for the future. Look back in order to look ahead.

Let the tarot guide you towards the key event you should zoom in on which holds the key to your future life path.


The Tower

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

The Tower asks you to take a deep breath and return to the scene of the most damaging event or revelation from the past year or so. Something which felt like it brought a before / after type of vibe: it changed stuff, it changed you. Enough time has passed that you can now look again and process your feelings now, more dispassionately and without such intensity. Rationality and logic can play a role and help you untangle the events and see the real root causes, the drivers, and the triggers. It’s good to look back in this way. It helps you process the narrative, find self awareness, and feel resilient.


Five of Coins

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

The Five of Coins asks you to reflect upon a loss you have endured in the previous year. It’s something that still feels painful - maybe you well up when you really sit with your feelings here, but that’s okay. Loss is inevitable, grief is a part of living longer, coping with it all is part of your life experience. But there is hope ahead. New hope. Since that loss, other things have taken root and started to grow. You have grown too. Take stock of the journey since that moment of sorrow, celebrate the new hope you have found. Be glad you’re still here and value your life.


The Hanged Man

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

Ugh, sitting and reflecting on things which were crappy does NOT appeal to fleeting, no-feelings-here Gemini! But, my friend, you should. The Hanged Man shows there is a current situation in your world which feels like a limbo, like a waiting room, like a frustrating and stalled storyline. Something from your past can help to unlock the way forwards here, to get things moving again, to resolve the block. So perhaps look back to a previous limbo phase and see how you got out of it, what changed, what was (in the end, in hindsight) the underlying blockage. What you learn then can be applied now. So step back and process an old story. It will help you write a new ending!


Page of Swords

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

There is something (a relationship, role, project or goal) you’ve been carrying for a long time now but in a sort of half-hearted way. Some days you feel HOT about it, some days you feel COLD. And the Page of Swords asks you to sit down this retrograde and figure out, once and for all, whether you are going to keep this going and commit, or let it go and replace it with something more inspiring.

Maybe it was all going great and then the pandemic hit and everything changed. Maybe it was something you began in the pandemic and now, you don’t feel as strongly. Spend time looking at this and making a firm decision. In or out?


Seven of Swords

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

You know a lot of people and have many, many friends and acquaintances. Maybe because of the volume of connections, you seem to be at higher risk of encountering jealous, drama-seeking, and catty people. The Seven of Swords shows you could take on some life lessons here.

Look back at the last 18 months and zoom in on people who’ve turned coat, backstabbed you, been unkind, or shown real envy or spite. What were the red flags? What did you miss when you kept them close to you instead of withdrawing right away? You are a warm, guileless person. You take stuff at face value. Hone your people-intuition and protect yourself better.



Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

You are halfway through a personal transition, an important one, which marks a change from ~old you~ to ~new you~. External circumstances may have triggered this but now all of the transformation is taking place within, in your mindset, values, and priorities. Things are shifting. It’s a work in progress, as shown by Temperance, and your task this retrograde is to just let it all flow, let it unfold, and not worry about it. Don’t cling to old ways. Don’t fester in history or convention. Keep an open mind. Stay balanced and grounded, but also moving ahead and progressing.


Three of Wands

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

Procrastination is an old foe of yours, Libra, because you hate to let go of any option open to you. And you enjoy deliberation, analysis, and mulling between different ways ahead. The Three of Wands shows you have lost out on opportunities in your past because of this tendency, as some openings or invitations have a short shelf life. Identify when this has happened, and what you were hung up about. Try and unravel some of the mental muddles you’ve been in, because these opportunities may arise again soon. Be ready this time. Know your own mind and your priorities.



Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

Judgment is a powerful card about wake up calls and epiphanies, so this retrograde is going to be very illuminating for you. By sifting through the debris of your past, you will find nuggets of insight, desire, and self awareness that will enable you to make imaginative, personal, and authentically ~you~ forward plans. You are done with trying to impress others, bending to a different will, shape-shifting to please. You want to be yourself, shadow side and all. So why not? Well, the answer as to why not in the past will emerge. And then the answer as to what it means to be yourself now will also unfold. This time, you’re ready to act on it.


Eight of Cups

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

Recently you had to admit something was over, wrong, broken, or not working. It took a lot of guts as you hate to admit defeat, and were bitterly disappointed. The Eight of Cups applauds your courage and honesty, and I hope you now realise it was the right thing to do. You were just wasting your time and energy. This retrograde, that knowledge will really land home and, at the same time, something new will emerge from this lost opportunity that is actually a better deal! All of this was merely preparing you for a bigger, bolder opportunity ahead. Get ready to spot it and grab it. Success is yours this time.


Six of Wands

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

Reverse down Memory Lane and revisit the scenarios, relationships, roles, and place where you’ve enjoyed most success, found life easiest, been rewarded, found yourself in flow. The Six of Wands asks you, this retrograde, to get to know your own talents and natural strengths and play on them even harder. Sometimes you work so hard you get lost in tasks, objectives, deadlines, demands. You don’t stop to look at yourself, what you’re capable of, what you enjoy. Do this now. Use this retrograde to focus on your natural gifts and ponder ways to amplify them and bring them centre stage in your life.


King of Coins

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

The King of Coins shows it’s time for you to evolve into the thriving, successful leader and self-reliant wealth creator that you were born to be! It’s time to build, activate, grow, develop, and put down roots. It’s time to take that idea and make it happen. It’s time to go it alone, to be a solo operator, to fly on your own wings. You are ready, this retrograde, to take the lessons of the past, build on the successes, learn from the setbacks, and create an empire of your own making and design. This could be around home, work, money, health or just your own time and projects. Put yourself in the starring role and create a world around your best strengths and ideas.


Three Of Swords

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan UK

Someone betrayed or backstabbed you in the previous year and the Three of Swords shows that it hurt like hell. You are an empathetic soul, a kind person, a wise caring individual. You value relationships a great deal and for someone to turn on you this way felt shocking, even devastating. Use this retrograde to really heal from this. Focus on your own self love and care. Process your feelings. Take life lessons on board. Look for silver linings. Look to the future and make plans to look forward to. Take this ~rebuild~ seriously. And, importantly, make sure this person is out of your life for good. No back doors or ajar windows. Shut that down. Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice…

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry's TarotBella page.

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