Upgrade Your Pearly Whites With This Sensitivity-Free Whitening Mouthwash

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Your dentist always says the same thing: "Brush, floss and use mouthwash every single day!" (And you assure them that you do, of course!) But sometimes, even when you're doing everything right on paper, your teeth aren't pearly white. This can be frustrating, especially when you've tried what seems like every natural remedy under the sun: baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon peels, the like.

At this point, you probably turn to an affordable whitening product — and ouch! There's nothing quite like a tingling pain every time you drink something hot, eat something cold, crunch something hard and chew on something soft. Is this discomfort worth the trivial lightening of your tooth shade?

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If you've been wondering how to get the best of both worlds — white teeth without the pain — or if it's even possible to have both, we may have just found the holy grail. This solution is formulated by dentists, clinically proven to be effective, enamel safe and non-toxic. Let's jump in!


Get the Luminex Enamel-Safe Teeth Whitening Mouthwash for $14 at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, January 23, 2024, but are subject to change.

This mouthwash goes beyond just removing stains. It relies on ingredients like coconut oil, lemon peel oil, sage oil, aloe vera and Dead Sea salt to clean hard-to-reach spots, freshen breath and, of course, whiten! The formula does all of this without causing the sensitivity that (almost) always accompanies whitening products. In other words, you won't have to sacrifice comfort — and your favorite hot and cold foods — for white teeth! Essential oils don't damage enamel like harsh chemicals do; rather, they lift stains without taking your enamel with them.

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Given that it's a natural formula, reviews are mixed on the taste. Some say it's "something to get used to," while others praise the subtler flavor. "It tastes nice and fresh! Minty with a hint of clove and the freshness lasts for HOURS!!! Other mouthwash brands always taste too strong or they burn my gums, or they’re full of fake sugars that leave behind a weird aftertaste. This mouthwash is legit and it’s going on my subscribe and save!"


Luminex is one of the only oral care companies certified microbiome safe, meaning your good bacteria is protected while the mouthwash works its magic. By detoxifying and removing harmful bacteria (and whitening your teeth), the mouthwash actually improves your oral health. Count Us in!

If you're still worried about sensitivity, just check out the more than 50 double-blind studies conducted which prove its efficacy. Research doesn't lie! In terms of use, all it takes is one capful twice per day. Simply rinse vigorously after brushing, and you're good to go. Here's to officially prioritizing oral care in 2024!

Get the Luminex Enamel-Safe Teeth Whitening Mouthwash for $14 at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, January 23, 2024, but are subject to change.

Not what you're looking for? Check out these other natural teeth whitening products on Amazon and don't forget to shop Amazon's Daily Deals here!

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