Upcycling Idea: How to Make Wall Art Out of Bubble Wrap

Upcycling Idea: How to Make Wall Art Out of Bubble Wrap

The next time you receive a package in the mail with bubble wrap, don't toss it OR pop the bubbles.

(We know it's hard, but resist the temptation!)

Instead, follow interior designer Nicole Gibbons' lead and use bubble wrap to create wall art. After all, we KNOW you have a blank wall or two in your home that's begging for some love.

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Just grab a blank canvas, paint, a sponge brush and follow these five simple steps.

(The kids are sure to have a blast doing this, too!)

1. Place the bubble wrap bubble side up on a blank canvas.

2. Dip a sponge brush in your paint of choice.

3. Apply a light coat of paint to the bubble wrap.

4. Flip the bubble wrap over so the painted side meets the canvas.

5. Apply pressure and peel it back.

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Watch Rach and Nicole create their own in the video above!

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