The Unsexy Products We’re Buying on Sale for Memorial Day

Queen of all clever marketing, TikTok has gone ahead and rebranded our boring essentials as “unsexy products,” and I, for one, am thrilled that it's opened up a forum to discuss the unglamorous treasures that make our daily lives better. As an editor whose been in the beauty/style space for nearly two decades and has reviewed many things, there’s perhaps none that I'm more passionate about than the least sexy product of all: chafing cream. And with Memorial Day around the corner, there’s no better time to stock up on the basics, because you know what is sexy? Saving. Below are a few of my holy grail products (including the aforementioned chub rub savior), plus some other gems my Glamour colleagues use every day but seldom get the chance to wax poetic about.

In the market for something a little less, err, practical? Check out our curation of the best Memorial Day clothing sales while you’re at it.